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  1. AMD’s Upgraded RDNA2 GPUs Will Crank up The Power

    by , 05-09-2022 at 02:57 AM

    There haven’t been a lot of rumors floating around about AMD’s revised RDNA2 GPUs. We figured they’d arrive before summer, but we didn’t have a ton of info on what was changed aside from the usual suspects: higher clocks and faster memory. New reports say the GPUs are quite close, and should be launching ...
    Tags: amd, gpu, rdna2 Add / Edit Tags
  2. Learn how to design a trading system by ATR

    by , 05-07-2022 at 06:02 AM
    Name:  ATRinsert.png
Views: 93
Size:  48.2 KB

    In this new article, we will talk about a new concept in trading that we have to measure and know how to use it. This concept is volatility. Many tools can be used to measure the volatility and from these tools, one of the most popular tools is the Average True Range (ATR) technical indicator. When you know how the volatility is going, this can be changing the game like what we will see in this article as it will be one of the important factors
  3. Tips from a professional programmer (Part III): Logging. Connecting to the Seq log collection and analysis system

  4. Multiple indicators on one chart (Part 03): Developing definitions for users

    by , 05-06-2022 at 02:56 AM
    In the previous article within the Multiple indicators on one chart we considered the basic code which allows using more than one indicator in a chart subwindow. But what was presented was just the starting base of a much larger system. A few different things can be done based on this model. But we should go step by step because one of the goals of these articles is to encourage you to learn how to program so that you can design your own systems based on your ideas. In this article, we will
  5. Multiple indicators on one chart (Part 02): First experiments

    by , 05-03-2022 at 10:49 PM
    Name:  05.jpg
Views: 175
Size:  46.1 KB

    In the previous article "Multiple indicators on one chart" I presented the concept and the basics of how to use multiple indicators on one chart, without populating the screen with too many different details. The only purpose of that article was to present the system itself, to show how to create databases and how to take advantage of such databases, I did not provide the system code previous time. Here, we will start implementing the code,
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