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Trade the News in Forex

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by , 01-02-2017 at 11:01 AM (1323 Views)
Trade the News in Forex: How to Capitalize on the Biggest Moves in the Market
by Michael Duane Archer

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How to profit from news that moves the Forex market

Trade the News in Forex shows readers everything they need to know to profitably trade specific Forex news events. It begins with a discussion of what constitutes Forex news, then highlights several common news trading techniques and outlines how broker dealers have worked to counter these measures. The author covers several more sophisticated techniques and systems, directs readers to a multitude of resources available, and outlines how to combine these techniques into a current trading strategy. There is money to be made trading Forex news, and this book will show readers exactly how.

Michael Archer (Golden,CO) has been an active Forex and commodity futures and Forex trader for over 30 years. He is the author of Getting Started in Forex Trading Strategies and coauthor of the first Getting Started in Currency Trading, Second Edition, The Forex Chartist Companion, and Charting the Major Forex Pairs, all from Wiley. He hosts the Forex Web site.

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