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Profit of the current symbol 2

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by , 11-18-2021 at 11:02 AM (443 Views)
Profit of the current symbol 2 - indicator for MetaTrader 5

Name:  brn-i-w1-alpari.png
Views: 69
Size:  14.6 KB

Name:  eurusd-d1-just2trade-online-ltd.png
Views: 106
Size:  16.8 KB

Improvement of the first version ( Profit of the current symbol ) - now every 9 seconds the indicator monitors the presence of graphical objects. If the object does not exist (for example, it was accidentally deleted), it will be recreated.

In addition to the profit for the current symbol, you can show the total profit for all symbols and place it: either on the right or below, or not at all.

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