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Offline Charts: Point and Figure indicator

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by , 01-28-2021 at 01:32 AM (611 Views)
Offline Charts: Point and Figure patterns indicator


PnFPatterns_v1.0 600+ indicator was created for Premium Trading Forum. This is the advanced PnFPatterns indicator with ability to detect 11 most occurring Point and Figure patterns:

  1. Double Top/Bottom
  2. Bullish/Bearish Double Top/Bottom
  3. Triple Top/Bottom
  4. Spread Triple Top/Bottom
  5. Quadruple Top/Bottom Pattern
  6. Ascending/Descending Triple Tops/Bottoms
  7. Bullish/Bearish Catapult
  8. Long Tail Up/Down
  9. Bullish/Bearish Signal Reversed
  10. Bull/Bear Traps
  11. High/Low Pole Warning

The version is working for MT4 build 600 and above

Name:  pnf patterns_1.png
Views: 33
Size:  9.7 KB


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