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Microsoft Co-Founder Paul Allen Dead at 65

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by , 10-16-2018 at 08:15 AM (869 Views)
Paul Allen, the tech tycoon who co-founded Microsoft and became one of the world’s wealthiest men, died on Monday. He was 65 years old. The cause was non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, according to a statement from Allen’s company Vulcan Inc.

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In a statement, Allen’s sister Jody remembered him as “a remarkable individual on every level.” “While most knew Paul Allen as a technologist and philanthropist, for us he was a much-loved brother and uncle, and an exceptional friend,” she said. “Paul’s family and friends were blessed to experience his wit, warmth, his generosity and deep concern. For all the demands on his schedule, there was always time for family and friends. At this time of loss and grief for us — and so many others — we are profoundly grateful for the care and concern he demonstrated every day.”


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