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Elder-Ray (Bulls Power and Bears Power)

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by , 10-07-2018 at 01:40 PM (1323 Views)
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Elder-Ray trading system was described by Alexander Elder in his book "Trading for a Living". It is based on Bulls Power and Bears Power oscillators, as well as Moving Average trend-following indicator (EMA — exponential averaging).

The system is both simple and complex:

  • it is simple if we perceive it literally: buy if a trend is upwards (EMA) and Bears Power is below zero, but is increasing;
  • it is complex, if we read more carefully and also look at the chart EMA and Bears Power are launched at: it turns out, it is not as simple as it seems since such conditions are few.
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In this article, we will go through all the stages from simple to complex and check two types of trading system:

  1. all indicators on the same chart (and therefore, on a single timeframe);
  2. in combination with the "Triple choice" system.


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