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  1. HTC Vive goes wireless with expensive VR add-on

    by , 11-21-2016 at 09:21 PM

    Given the massive investment in VR, it was only a matter of time before someone figured out how to get rid of one of its biggest limitations — the tethering cord. Whether you’re using an HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, or one of their lesser-known competitors, they all rely on a cable to relay high-resolution video, and sometimes other information, in real time. Startup TPCAST is changing that, with ...
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  2. Now we know why Bethesda nixed early reviews — Dishonored 2 has significant problems on PCs

    by , 11-21-2016 at 01:21 AM

    Just before Bethesda re-released Skyrim: Buggy Pretty Version, the company*announced a new change to its review program — and by “new change,” we mean “a cowardly attempt to avoid being buried by complaints that might jeopardize sales.” Bethesda argued it wanted everyone in the game industry to “experience [its]*games at the same time,” which is a ridiculous rationale with which to justify not ...
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  3. HFT - Cognitive Shift, Trading Costs, Cozy Relationships and Full Disclosure

    by , 11-18-2016 at 09:14 PM
    Cognitive Shift, Trading Costs, Cozy Relationships and Full Disclosure

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    Across the wider world, Wall Street’s speed demons are all too often cast as the villains of the stock market.

    As computerized trading firms have become the dominant buyers and sellers of equities, they’ve been blamed for exploiting investors and causing bouts of extreme volatility, and were famously portrayed by Michael Lewis as part of a rigged system ...
  4. Blizzard, Google team up to teach next-generation AIs how to play Starcraft II

    by , 11-18-2016 at 01:51 AM

    Earlier this year, Google’s AlphaGo AI successfully beat world-class champion Go player Lee Se-dol in four games out of five. This was a significant milestone, thanks to the sheer number of positions that are possible within the game, and the difficulty of creating an AI that could efficiently evaluate them before the heat death of the universe. Now, Blizzard is teaming up with Google to create ...
  5. World of Warcraft’s classic Nostalrius server is coming back online — without official Blizzard support

    by , 11-17-2016 at 05:05 PM

    Earlier this year, we covered the story of the fan-created legacy World of Warcraft server, Nostalrius. Nostalrius was a so-called “classic” server that emulates World of Warcraft before its first expansion, The Burning Crusade, ever launched. These efforts have often been shut down by Blizzard when they gained enough momentum to be considered significant, and Nostalrius was no exception.
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