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  1. Oculus held a press conference: Oculus Rift 1.0 will ship in Q1 2016 with an Xbox One controller

    by , 06-19-2015 at 11:38 AM

    Earlier today, Oculus held a press conference in advance of next week’s massive E3 gaming event. For the most part, this awkward one-hour stage show was spent discussing the minute details that differentiate the final hardware from the prototypes. But the most interesting news coming out of this event, by far, is the fact that Oculus has decided to partner with Microsoft.

    The first ...
  2. Price, positioning details leak on AMD’s upcoming Radeon Fury - we’ve got no word on the lower-end GPU with 3584 cores

    by , 06-18-2015 at 11:40 PM
    Leaks around AMD’s next-generation Radeon (now dubbed the Radeon Fury, though we have no official brand confirmation on that moniker) have popped up in quick succession in the past weeks. This latest data points to a triple-GPU launch, with variants of the card debuting in air-cooled, water-cooled, and a slimmed-down version of the card that will offer most of its performance at (most likely) a significantly ...
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  3. Steam users flood to take advantage of new refund policy, Kotaku has rounded up these reports

    by , 06-17-2015 at 01:42 AM

    A few days ago, Steam announced that it would begin offering refunds to anyone who wanted them, provided they fulfilled a few minimal requirements. Specifically, if you spend no more than two hours with a title and haven’t owned it for more than two weeks, you can have a refund, no questions asked. The policy has garnered praise for being pro-consumer. But there are some clear negatives for developers ...
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  4. Demystifying DirectX 12 support: What AMD, Intel, and Nvidia do and don’t deliver - DirectX feature levels and point updates are not the same thing

    by , 06-16-2015 at 12:10 PM

    When Windows 10 debuts next month, it’s going to deliver the first full DirectX update since Windows 7 debuted six years ago. For more than a year, AMD and Nvidia have been advertising that various older GPU families would support DirectX 12 at launch.

    Recently, however, there’s been some confusion over what level of support Intel, AMD, and Nvidia will offer for the new API ...
  5. New Snowden leak: NSA uses warrantless Web surveillance to hunt hackers without a warrant

    by , 06-14-2015 at 08:53 AM

    Ever since Edward Snowden began to leak details on the mass surveillance programs of the NSA and other government agencies, there’s been an ongoing debate over the nature and limits that should be placed on such surveillance. One of the most troubling trends exposed in repeated leaks is the degree to which the government has exceeded the enormous authority granted it by the Patriot Act and other legislation. ...
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