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Dragon’s Tale – A Casino specially Designed for Bitcoiners

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by , 09-25-2016 at 03:14 PM (895 Views)

Dragon’s Tale is one of the most exotic bitcoin related games. Dragon’s Tale introduced a completely new concept to gambling and is now considered by the industry as the first of its kind.

Dragon’s Tale is a wonderful virtual world where you will find all kind of animals, plants, lots of coconuts and trees and the players will be able to interact with pretty much everything in the game. The players may choose to search for hidden items, to go farming, fishing and much more. As in most MMORPGs, the player advances through the game and levels up by performing missions mainly based in combat. Likewise, in Dragon’s Tale, the characters increase their level by completing several quests which require skill and luck based wagers.
What is probably the coolest thing in the game is that the other players are always willing to help; You can go to the bar to get some drinks, meet new gamers and complete tasks. Players can participate in meetings. This is good because you can actually profit from these meetings. So, if you get lucky enough, you will meet players who will smoke cigars with you and buy you some drinks, which will help you complete your quests.


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