Disney Plus animated series Spider-Man: Freshman Year will be released in 2024, Marvel revealed during its animation panel at San Diego Comic-Con on Friday. The show follows a young Peter Parker in his earliest days as the Marvel Cinematic Universe's Spider-Man, and it's set before his live-action ...
WTI prices have declined rather significantly as recession concerns build despite supply remaining extremely tight. Next week's Fed rate hike could add to that: on Wednesday the FOMC (the Fed’s rate setting committee) will decide by how much they are to raise the US Federal Funds Rate with markets expecting 75 basis points. Continuing to hike into weakness could add to recession fears and result in demand being revised lower along with oil prices. ...
Gold prices rallied this past week, but markets might be getting ahead of themselves. A hawkish Federal Reserve, US GDP and PCE data could weigh against XAU/USD in the week ahead. more...
Bitcoin price surges 20%, Ethereum up 50% ahead of historic event. Too early to call the Crypto winter over…is the Ethereum ‘Merge’ driving the rally? more...