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The News / Hottest

This is a discussion on The News / Hottest within the Analytics and News forums, part of the Trading Forum category; John O’Donnell is joined by Dr. Mark Thornton of Mises Institute and they discuss JM Keynes vs Jean Bapiste Say ...

  1. #1301
    member HuntedRelated's Avatar
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    Say's Law with Mark Thornton

    John O’Donnell is joined by Dr. Mark Thornton of Mises Institute and they discuss JM Keynes vs Jean Bapiste Say methods to create wealth and the role of Say’s Law. Mark and John also discuss 2015 capital market forecasts, and why QE is not working in Japan, Europe, and the USA. They also get into James Grant's new bestselling book The Forgotten Depression and how it outlines the solution to cure recessions and depressions without QE and other money printing schemes.


  2. #1302
    member HuntedRelated's Avatar
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    As Europe Turns with Tim Pesut

    The European soap opera continues with the new Greece bailout deal! Is it a good thing, or just another Band-Aid on a much bigger problem? Master trader Tim Pesut joins Merlin to take a look at the Euro, Canadian Dollar, Pound, and Aussie dollar. Tim and Merlin analyze the charts and offer their thoughts on currency levels and direction.


  3. #1303
    member TheNews's Avatar
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    Swiss Jan Trade Surplus Rises Unexpectedly

    Switzerland's trade surplus increased unexpectedly in January, figures from the Swiss Federal Customs Administration revealed Thursday.


  4. #1304
    member TheNews's Avatar
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    U.S. Weekly Jobless Claims Pull Back More Than Expected

    After reporting increases in first-time claims for U.S. unemployment benefits in the two previous weeks, the Labor Department released a report on Thursday showing that initial jobless claims pulled back by more than expected in the week ended February 14th.


  5. #1305
    member TheNews's Avatar
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    U.S. Consumer Confidence Index Pulls Back More Than Expected In February

    After reporting a sharp increase in U.S. consumer confidence in the previous month, the Conference Board released a report on Tuesday showing that its consumer confidence index pulled back by more than expected in the month of February.


  6. #1306
    member HuntedRelated's Avatar
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    Oil, Money & Dividends with Mike McMahon

    Mike and Merlin start things off by analyzing the Aussie Dollar and potential trade opportunities going forward. Focus then shifts to one of the larger Forex brokers stock as a listener is holding thousands of shares! Finally, Mike talks about how to capitalize on the current oil price by looking for strong dividend plays.


  7. #1307
    member HuntedRelated's Avatar
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    Finding Great Trading Opportunities with Gabe Velazquez

    Over the past week, many listeners have expressed frustration with no quality supply levels on the major market indexes. Gabe Velazquez joins Merlin to look at alternatives to trading the indexes, and talks about how he is trading these markets. The duo also look at the surge in the US Dollar and how it is impacting and creating trading opportunities with currency futures.


  8. #1308
    member TheNews's Avatar
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    India Sees Scope For 'Big Bang' Reforms; Growth To Exceed 8%: Economic Survey

    India's government sees room for big bang reforms and robust economic growth in the fiscal year ending March 2016, the Economic Survey 2014-15, released the Finance Ministry, said on Friday. Economic growth is expected to exceed 8 percent in fiscal 2015-16 and, at market prices, the new estimate implies growth of 8.1-8.5 percent in 2015-16, the survey said.


  9. #1309
    member HuntedRelated's Avatar
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    Rate Spotting with Don Dawson

    With so many speculating on when the fed will ultimately raise interst rates, Master trader Don Dawson prefers to follow the money! Back in September of 2014, the money said the big boys were betting on June for a hike, and things have changed! Don walks through his method for spotting what the institutions are doing, and also offers some insights into popular commodity futures such as grains and interest rate products.


  10. #1310
    member HuntedRelated's Avatar
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    Talking Stocks with Gabe Velazquez

    Master trader and coach, Gabe Velazques joins Merlin in studio to talk about his current Pro Trader class at Online Trading Academy. The duo talk about how the markets have evolved and created the need for understanding multiple asset classes to help trading performance. They also stress the importance of a trading plan and journaling. Stocks covered in this show: QQQ, SPY, DIA, IWM, NFLX, USO


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