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Excel Indicators (History to Excel)

This is a discussion on Excel Indicators (History to Excel) within the Trading tools forums, part of the Trading Forum category; First of all we need MT4 to Excel exporter. Future i will share my special excel indicators. This indicator was ...

  1. #1
    Senior Member levonisyas's Avatar
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    Excel Indicators (History to Excel)

    First of all we need MT4 to Excel exporter. Future i will share my special excel indicators.
    This indicator was created by "hanover" . I made only few changes for stabilty.

    Either one of these will output OHLCV history to CSV files, simultaneously for up to 40 pairs/instruments, and 9 timeframes, allowing easy import to Excel. A separate file is created for each pair/timeframe combination. The indicator runs it once every time a new price tick occurs, overwriting the relevant file(s).
    Each bar in the chart occupies one line (row) in the file. Data in each row is output in the following order: date/time, open, high, low, close, volume

    CurrencyPairs: leave blank to output only for the pair on whose chart the script/indicator is attached. Otherwise type in up to 40 pairs, separated by commas. Upper or lowercase doesn’t matter, and you may use the following abbreviations: A=AUD, C=CAD, F=CHF, E=EUR, G=GBP, J=JPY, N=NZD, U=USD. Hence you could type something like: EU,GU,UF,UJ which works the same as EURUSD,GBPUSD,USDCHF,USDJPY

    TimeFrames: leave blank to output only for the timeframe on whose chart the script/indicator is attached. Otherwise type in up to 9 timeframes, separated by commas. Upper or lowercase doesn’t matter. For example, to output for all 9 timeframes, copy this:
    Hence the above entries would create 36 different files (4 pairs x 9 timeframes).

    DifferentSubfolderPerTimeFrame: if set to FALSE, all files will be output to your …/experts/files folder. If set to TRUE, subfolders will automatically be created under this folder, e.g. …/experts/fiels/H1, and the output file(s) will be created in the subfolders.
    Regardless of the folder, all files are named: [pair],[timeframe].CSV

    LookbackBars: OHLCV values for the most recent (rightmost) ‘n’ bars will be output, where ‘n’ is the value you type here. If you specify either 0, or a very large number (e.g. 999999), then all values for all bars in the chart history will be output. WARNING: if using the indicator, then outputting a very large amount of data repeatedly on every price tick may bring MT4 to a standstill.

    DescendingDateTimeOrder: if set to FALSE, data is output in chronological order, i.e. earliest bar values at the start of the file. If set to TRUE, data is output in reverse chronological order, i.e. most recent bar values at the start of the file.

    OutputHeaderLine: if set to TRUE, it will output one line (row), with column headings, at the start of the file. If set to FALSE, no header line will be output.

    FieldSeparator: set this to the delimiter character(s) you wish to appear between column vales that are outputs. Default is a semicolon ( ; ). DO NOT CHANGE

    EncloseValuesInQuotes: if set to TRUE, each data value will be enclosed in double quotes, e.g. “1.3659”.

    Note that date and time, by default, are output as one field. If you want them to appear as separate fields, you must include a field separator (and quotes, if desired) inside the DateTimeFormat, e.g. M/D/Y","H:I
    Y = 4 digit year
    y = 2 digit year
    M = 2 digit month
    m = 1-2 digit Month
    N = full month name, e.g. November
    n = 3 char month name, e.g. Nov
    D = 2 digit day of Month, e.g. 01, 31
    d = 1-2 digit day of Month, e.g. 1, 31
    T or t = append 'th' to day of month, e.g. 14th, 23rd, etc
    W = full weekday name, e.g. Tuesday
    w = 3 char weekday name, e.g. Tue
    H = 2 digit hour (defaults to 24-hour time unless 'a' or 'A' included)
    h = 1-2 digit hour (defaults to 24-hour time unless 'a' or 'A' included)
    a = convert to 12-hour time and append lowercase am/pm
    A = convert to 12-hour time and append uppercase AM/PM
    I or i = minutes in the hour
    S or s = seconds in the minute

    n = number of digits to output, to the left of the decimal point
    n.d = output n digits to left of decimal point; d digits to the right
    -n.d = floating minus sign at left of output
    n.d- = minus sign at right of output
    +n.d = floating plus/minus sign at left of output

    These characters may appear anywhere in the string:
    ( or ) = enclose negative number in parentheses
    $ or £ or ¥ or € = include floating currency symbol at left of output
    % = include trailing % sign
    , = use commas to separate thousands, millions, etc
    Z or z = left fill with zeros instead of spaces
    * = left fill with asterisks instead of spaces
    R or r = round result in rightmost displayed digit
    B or b = blank entire field if number is 0
    ~ = show tilde in leftmost position if overflow occurs
    ; = switch use of comma and period (European format)
    L or l = left align final string
    T ot t = trim (remove all spaces from) end result

    These files are not specific for MT4.
    Choose for operating sistem (windows etc.) or Office version. Otherwise excel formulas will not work and u will see different values.
    Indicator for EU standarts (1,12345) History_exGOMMA.ex4
    Indicator for US standarts (1.12345) History_exDOT.ex4
    Last edited by levonisyas; 07-09-2014 at 07:26 PM.
    newdigital and joydeepb like this.

  2. #2
    Senior Member levonisyas's Avatar
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    How to use

    Take a look your windows region settings or excel settings. Than choose the correct one
    Indicator for EU standarts (1,12345)
    Indicator for US standarts (1.12345)

    Excel Indicators (History to Excel)-screenhunter_45-jul.-09-21.32.jpgExcel Indicators (History to Excel)-screenhunter_46-jul.-09-21.33.jpg

    Put the indicator at "\MQL4\Indicators" (same as other indicators)
    Open Mt4 and attach one indicator to the symbol what ever u want. Choose time frame M1 for refreshing every one minute (the indicator runs it once every time a new price tick occurs)
    Files will be created at "\MQL4\Files" folder DO NOT OPEN THE CSV FILES DIRECTLY.

    Excel Indicators (History to Excel)-1.jpgExcel Indicators (History to Excel)-2.jpgExcel Indicators (History to Excel)-3.jpgExcel Indicators (History to Excel)-4.jpgExcel Indicators (History to Excel)-5.jpgExcel Indicators (History to Excel)-6.jpgExcel Indicators (History to Excel)-7.jpg
    joydeepb, altinsky and newdigital like this.

  3. #3
    Senior Member levonisyas's Avatar
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    GOLD Forecast Indicator using BB and MA

    There is no password and all formulas are open. Nothing hidden

    Excel Indicators (History to Excel)-screenhunter_56-jul.-10-00.11.jpg

    newdigital and altinsky like this.

  4. #4
    Senior Member levonisyas's Avatar
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    MT4 Indicators to Excel (OSMA, MACD, ADX, SMA, RSI, CCI)

    Now u can export OSMA, MACD, ADX, SMA, RSI, CCI values to excel

    + FieldSeparator + Quote + NumberToStr(iOsMA(ccy,tf,mp[0],mp[1],mp[2],0,i),MACDFormat) + Quote
    + FieldSeparator + Quote + NumberToStr(iMACD(ccy,tf,12,26,9,PRICE_CLOSE,MODE_ MAIN,i),OHLCFormat) + Quote //MODE_SIGNAL
    + FieldSeparator + Quote + NumberToStr(iADX(ccy,tf,14,PRICE_CLOSE,MODE_MAIN,i ),OHLCFormat) + Quote
    + FieldSeparator + Quote + NumberToStr(iMA(ccy,tf,5,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE,i) ,OHLCFormat) + Quote
    + FieldSeparator + Quote + NumberToStr(iRSI(ccy,tf,14,PRICE_CLOSE,i),OHLCForm at) + Quote
    + FieldSeparator + Quote + NumberToStr(iCCI(ccy,tf,14,PRICE_TYPICAL,i),OHLCFo rmat) + Quote

    Excel Indicators (History to Excel)-screenhunter_57-jul.-10-19.00.jpg

    Indicator for EU standarts (1,12345) History_exGOMMAmulti.ex4
    Indicator for US standarts (1.12345) History_exDOTmulti.ex4
    newdigital and joydeepb like this.

  5. #5
    Senior Member levonisyas's Avatar
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    A little bit explaination for members that send me private msgz. (also so thx for the interest)
    Use excel for your ideas, it is so easy. No need to learn mt4-5 coding language.
    Do not share ur secret ideas with coders, they are stealing ur ideas for making money. They are not angel. Do not give them money.
    Also there is no magic code or indicator. In turkish "kelin ilacı olsa başına sürer" - "if the hairless man knows the medicine for hair, he will use it for his therapy "" Not for you.
    All my best wishes for fx traders..
    newdigital likes this.

  6. #6
    Administrator newdigital's Avatar
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    Point and Figure MS Excel Spreadsheet

    I found it on this website - Point & Figure chart in excel (attached).
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    Administrator newdigital's Avatar
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    I just found 'Market Data to CSV - indicator for MetaTrader 4' on mql4 Codebase here:

    "Easily save historical bar data and every new tick to a csv file. To find the saved file, in the MetaTrader 4 directory, open the "MQL4" folder and your file will be in the "Files" folder."

    Indicator is attached.
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  8. #8
    Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by levonisyas View Post
    A little bit explaination for members that send me private msgz. (also so thx for the interest)
    Use excel for your ideas, it is so easy. No need to learn mt4-5 coding language.
    Do not share ur secret ideas with coders, they are stealing ur ideas for making money. They are not angel. Do not give them money.
    Also there is no magic code or indicator. In turkish "kelin ilacı olsa başına sürer" - "if the hairless man knows the medicine for hair, he will use it for his therapy "" Not for you.
    All my best wishes for fx traders..
    Thank you for showing the Excel way. Currency strength indicator excel sheet will be a good helper. Please post if you come across. thank you

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by optionhk View Post
    Thank you for showing the Excel way. Currency strength indicator excel sheet will be a good helper. Please post if you come across. thank you
    There you go

    To make it work, you need to tick the 'Enable DDE Server' in 'Options > Server tab' first before open the excel file, this will retrieve the currency strength excel data from MT4 client in real time

  10. #10
    Senior Member matfx's Avatar
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    Here is another currency strength indicator in excel file for 4 pairs of currencies. Just enable DDE server in MT4 and the excel file will be updating the info.

    Some screenshot which i run it with Apache OpenOffice 4.1.2 calc sheet.

    Excel Indicators (History to Excel)-calc-sheet1.jpg

    Excel Indicators (History to Excel)-calc-sheet2.jpg
    Attached Files Attached Files
    newdigital and juraia like this.

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