Any forecasting indicators please post here on this thread.
Use this thread for the discussion about forecasting.
Just for information.
This is a discussion on Forecasting Indicators within the Trading tools forums, part of the Trading Forum category; Any forecasting indicators please post here on this thread. Use this thread for the discussion about forecasting. Just for information....
Any forecasting indicators please post here on this thread.
Use this thread for the discussion about forecasting.
Just for information.
Second forecasting indicator - FuturoFX (attached).
Just the other indicator found - Interpolation (MT4 and MT5 versions are attached). Description is on this page:
Lagrange's interpolation polynomial is used for the determination of the function on the basis of the given points. In point of fact, the indicator takes the coordinates of the points located between extern int begin and extern int end (marked with the red and blue lines on the chart), and calculates the coordinates of the next points using the Lagrange's interpolation polynomial.
Just found some good forecasting indicator for Metatrader 5 : Price prediction by Nearest Neighbor found by a weighted correlation coefficient.
Indicator is attached (for the description - go to the link).
Just an example with this indicator.
EURUSD - as we see from screenshot - the price will be inside Ichimoku cloud for the next week:
USDCHF - same with EURUSD - price will be inside the cloud
AUDUSD H4 - we see the reversal to bearish here:
And very interesting situation for GBPUSD - it will be breakout on D1 timeframe (price will break resistance line from below to above):
we... we will see next week - it is true or not![]()
It looks like it is pretty accurate![]()
slight upward till wednesday and then two bearish candles. Direction predicted correctly.
Direction also predicted correctly, but with a little bit different strength. Anyway, nice uptrend.
Downward, correction and even stronger downward like predicted.
In this case real price action is slower than predicted one. I think we should expect price to go up during next week.
Yes, that's right - it is good indicator: I followed AUDUSD and made few trades on right direction. I think - Igorad can tell to us about what is the based on this indicator (how it is calculated for example).
But I did not find any version for MT4 for example (uploaded version is for MT5 only).
Yes, that would be great if Igorad could tell us something more about itso that we could understand its pluses and minuses more clearly.
I have also serached for MT4 version but with no results. I see I have to move with the times and install MT5 finally.
This is old Polynomial Regression indicator.
Explanation of the settings:
- hours - how many hours back (to draw the indicator's line);
- m - regression rate: m = 1 - linear regression; m = 2 - parabolic; m = 3 - cubical
- i - number of the bar (starting from current zero bar) for the right part of the indicator to be attached to. Use red dot to move the indicator's lines to any date but the indicator will be attached to the i-bar by right part.
i-DRProjections_v1 indicator for Metatrader 4 and Metatrader 5 (attached).
The indicator forecasts the current day's price range on the basis of the previous day data. All calculations are based on the book "New Science of Technical Analysis" by Thomas R. DeMark.
For Metatrader 4 :
For Metatrader 5 :