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This is a discussion on AllVolumeAverage within the Trading tools forums, part of the Trading Forum category; Hi, Please take a look at the AllVolumeAverage_v2 indicator which helps to detect Volume Breakouts at the market and can ...

  1. #1



    Please take a look at the AllVolumeAverage_v2 indicator which helps to detect Volume Breakouts at the market and can also be used to confirm the signal. This is upgrade of well-known VolumeAverage which I ported from EasyLanguage version. Plus you can find Buy/Sell signals with advanced Box alerts.

    extern int     TimeFrame      =  0;    // TimeFrame in min
    extern int     FastLength     =  3;    // Fast MA Period
    extern int     FastMode       =  0;    // Fast MA Mode
    extern int     SlowLength     = 20;    // Slow MA Period
    extern int     SlowMode       =  0;    // Slow MA Mode
    extern int     BreakoutPct    = 50;    // Breakout Percent 
    extern int     AlertMode      =  0;    // 0-off,1-on 
    extern int     SoundsNumber   =  5;    // Number of sounds after Signal
    extern int     SoundsPause    =  5;    // Pause in sec between sounds 
    extern string  UpSound        = "alert.wav";
    extern string  DnSound        = "alert2.wav";
    extern int     EmailMode      =  0;    // 0-off,1-on 
    extern int     EmailsNumber   =  1;    // Number of emails after Signal

    Attachment 768

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    Administrator newdigital's Avatar
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    Hi Igorad,

    How to use this indicator? And what is the best settings of it?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by newdigital View Post
    Hi Igorad,

    How to use this indicator? And what is the best settings of it?
    I found good explanation how to use this indicator in TradeStation but seems it can be useful for MT4.
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    Administrator newdigital's Avatar
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    I just found some article about how to use this or similar indicators.

    Volume is the fuel in a stocks movement – Technical Analysis

    Volume in charts is usually expressed as the number of Shares traded that day. It is most useful to view volume indicators in comparison to what is the normal number of Shares traded for a stock on average. For example if volume starts to increase dramatically for a stock we can assume there has been some news, earnings release or otherwise external factors acting on the stock.

    Look at the chart below for NetFlix (NFLX), a DVD rental “by post” company. Take a close look at volume and price and what they have in common. The volume indicator is configured to show a RED Bar if the closing price for the stock is lower that the opening price meaning “Negative Volume”, and green for days where the closing price is higher than the opening “Positive Volume”


    So what did you see?

    What happened to Volume when the price changed?

    What happened to the price when volume spiked?

    Did you notice the chart was on an Algorithmic Scale, not a Logarithmic? We can see this from the price moving in fixed increments $20, $22, $24. Always try to use logarithmic, it helps you view potential % gains and losses so much easier. Most professional technical analysts use Logarithmic scaling, it produces the best results.

    In our lesson on volume, we focus on 2 key phrases
    The Volume “Blow off Top” & “Blow off Bottom

    Now look at the chart below and read further for a description of the key concepts here. The Chart maps Price, Moving Averages 10 & 30, and volume (Red for Negative, Green for Positive).


    Key Points, referenced in the Chart.

    1. here at point 1 we see a huge change in the direction of price, it was proceeding in a downward direction, then suddenly there was a spike in volume over 2 weeks, this is known as a “blow off bottom”. It indicates, that a key price has been founds, where the sellers have lost enough that they need to sell the stock, and the buyers have seen the price decrease enough so that they see real value in the Stock. Of course other factors contribute, like good News, or earnings results. Whatever happened volume increased!

    2. the stock here increases from $20 to $38 in the following 3 months, a 90% increase, but how would we know this was about to happen. Well, buying at the time the moving averages crossed over would have been a good option, it would not have provided the full 90%, but it would have produced 40%, which by anyone’s reckoning is an excellent result.

    However here we see a monster “Blow off Top”, the huge red Spike, this is a very strong sign, to sell as soon as possible. From stage 2 we see the stock move in a sideways patter and eventually decrease back down to $19, the ride is well and truly over. However you would not own the stock, as you would have sold when the Moving Averages crossed.

    The stock price starts to increase in mid November 2008, but volume tells us nothing, WHY?

    Indicators do not tell us something 100% of the time, but when they do we need to recognize it.

    The moving averages cross at $25, a good time to buy.

    3. Here we see massive buying; the volume goes through the roof. Important to note here is we are comparing Volume for the stock in comparison to its history. This is the second biggest volume surge of the year for Netflix, and is significant.

    Why did it take off? We should always seek enlightenment!

    It reported excellent earnings, and because of the recession people were switching from buying bigger ticket items such as Cars and Plasma TV’s to staying at home and renting Movies. Netflix reported a massive increase in new members.

    4. In the chart the note shows that the price “Gapped Up”. What does this mean? This means that the stock price in extended hours trading was so strong that the Opening Price on the following day was significantly higher than even the High for the previous day, thus showing a Gap in the price pattern in the chart.
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    Administrator newdigital's Avatar
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    And I found some old thread on FF forum (our friendly forum) about trading system which can be used with this indicator : Average Volume Indicator?

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    Administrator newdigital's Avatar
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    And for now - please take a look at this volume indicator (attached).


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    Administrator newdigital's Avatar
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    Interesting indicator found - EVIndicator2011v1.02

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  8. #8
    Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by igorad View Post

    Please take a look at the AllVolumeAverage_v2 indicator which helps to detect Volume Breakouts at the market and can also be used to confirm the signal. This is upgrade of well-known VolumeAverage which I ported from EasyLanguage version. Plus you can find Buy/Sell signals with advanced Box alerts.

    extern int     TimeFrame      =  0;    // TimeFrame in min
    extern int     FastLength     =  3;    // Fast MA Period
    extern int     FastMode       =  0;    // Fast MA Mode
    extern int     SlowLength     = 20;    // Slow MA Period
    extern int     SlowMode       =  0;    // Slow MA Mode
    extern int     BreakoutPct    = 50;    // Breakout Percent 
    extern int     AlertMode      =  0;    // 0-off,1-on 
    extern int     SoundsNumber   =  5;    // Number of sounds after Signal
    extern int     SoundsPause    =  5;    // Pause in sec between sounds 
    extern string  UpSound        = "alert.wav";
    extern string  DnSound        = "alert2.wav";
    extern int     EmailMode      =  0;    // 0-off,1-on 
    extern int     EmailsNumber   =  1;    // Number of emails after Signal

    Attachment 768

    hi Igor,
    that nice indi compile with b600+ , but get some "arrays passed by reference only" warnings; Nothing very scary, but i cant find how to fix them. I wonder if you can reload it with the fixes (showing me the way the fix such warnings with other indis).
    Thanks for your effort.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by gogolle View Post
    hi Igor,
    that nice indi compile with b600+ , but get some "arrays passed by reference only" warnings; Nothing very scary, but i cant find how to fix them. I wonder if you can reload it with the fixes (showing me the way the fix such warnings with other indis).
    Thanks for your effort.
    Hi gogolle,

    Please check out the updated AllVolumeAverage indicator for the new MT4.

    Attachment 7793


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