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This is a discussion on AllPivots within the Trading tools forums, part of the Trading Forum category; Hi, In this version of the AllPivots indicator I tried to implement almost all known methods for the Pivot Points ...

  1. #1



    In this version of the AllPivots indicator I tried to implement almost all known methods for the Pivot Points calculation:

    • Standard Floor Pivots
    • Camarilla Pivots
    • Demark Pivots
    • Fibo Pivots(relative and absolute in pips)
    • Avg Range Levels

    and plus many other combinations of them.

    //---- input parameters
    extern string  set1              = "--- Main settings ---";
    extern string  TimeFrame         =  "D1";                //TimeFrame(eg. D1,W1)     
    extern string  UniqueName        =  "AllPivots";         //Unique Name
    extern int     Length            =  5;                   //Length in periods(eg. 2= 2 days)  
    extern int     PivotMode         =  0;                   //Pivot Mode:  0-Standard
                                                             //             1-Camarilla   
                                                             //             2-Demark
                                                             //             3-Fibo relative and Avg Range Levels
                                                             //             4-Fibo absolute(in pips)   
    extern string  PivotValues       =  "0.382;0.618;1;";    //Pivot values(ratios)
    extern int     RangeMode         =  0;                   //Range Mode:  0-Hi/Lo Range;
                                                             //             1-UpRange=High-BasePrice, DnRange=BasePrice-Low 
                                                             //             2-Range=Close-Close[1]                  
    extern int     BaseHourShift     =  0;                   //Base Hour Shift(eg.0-start of the day)
    extern int     BasePrice         =  5;                   //Base Price (0...6) (1 for today's Open)
    extern int     AvgPeriod         =  1;                   //Avg Period  
    extern string  set2              = "--- Visual settings ---";
    extern int     GradientColorMode =  1;                   //0-off,1-on
    extern color   MainPivotColor    =  Yellow;
    extern int     MainPivotWidth    =  2;
    extern color   UpperLevelColor   =  Blue;
    extern color   LowerLevelColor   =  Red;
    extern int     LineStyle         =  STYLE_SOLID;
    extern int     LineWidth         =  1;
    extern bool    ShowPivotValues   =  false;
    extern string  FontName          =  "Arial";
    extern int     FontSize          =  8;
    extern int     CommentMode       =  0;                  //0-off,1-on
    Attachment 1447

    TCT, Gus4x, Dr.Fox and 8 others like this.

  2. #2

    AllPivots: Camarilla Pivots

    Just want to show how to set up the Camarilla Pivots.

    extern string  set1              = "--- Main settings ---";
    extern string  TimeFrame         =  "D1";                //TimeFrame(eg. D1,W1)     
    extern string  UniqueName        =  "AllPivots";         //Unique Name
    extern int     Length            =  5;                   //Length in periods(eg. 2= 2 days)  
    extern int     PivotMode         =  1;                   //Pivot Mode:  0-Standard
                                                             //             1-Camarilla   
                                                             //             2-Demark
                                                             //             3-Fibo relative and Avg Range Levels
                                                             //             4-Fibo absolute(in pips)   
    extern string  PivotValues       =  "0.382;0.618;1;";    //Pivot values(ratios)
    extern int     RangeMode         =  0;                   //Range Mode:  0-Hi/Lo Range;
                                                             //             1-UpRange=High-BasePrice, DnRange=BasePrice-Low 
                                                             //             2-Range=Close-Close[1]                  
    extern int     BaseHourShift     =  0;                   //Base Hour Shift(eg.0-start of the day)
    extern int     BasePrice         =  0;                   //Base Price (0...6) (1 for today's Open)
    extern int     AvgPeriod         =  1;                   //Avg Period
    Attachment 1469
    cashdaily likes this.

  3. #3


    Please download the updated version of AllPivots with ability to plot Woodie's Pivots(PivotMode = 5 and BasePrice = 7).
    dadik, Pipnatized and cashdaily like this.

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Hi Igorad, once we download the AllPivots_v3.1.mq4, is there an option to install some pivots say Camarilla and ignore those one does not want? What about labels - am I able to label the pivots in Camarilla the traditional way, using H and L letters?

  5. #5
    Guest there an option to install some pivots say Camarilla and ignore those one does not want?
    Hi Jozo,

    Please explain what means your question? What pivots you want to ignore?


  6. #6
    Administrator newdigital's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jozo View Post
    Hi Igorad, once we download the AllPivots_v3.1.mq4, is there an option to install some pivots say Camarilla and ignore those one does not want? What about labels - am I able to label the pivots in Camarilla the traditional way, using H and L letters?
    Hi Jozo,

    About Camarilla and it's difference from Pivot - read this article and watch this small video.

    Just for information.

  7. #7

    AllPivots: Updates

    Hi Jozo,

    Please check out the updated AllPivots indicator with names of all pivot . Also I a bit improved the Time Shift algorithm for negative BaseHourShift.

    And now you can enter a list of any desired pivot levels. For example, if you want to see only PP, H2/S2, H4/S4 Camarilla Pivots then you should enter following numbers for PivotValues = 0;2;4.

    Attachment 1742

    dadik and rivalsail like this.

  8. #8
    Administrator newdigital's Avatar
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    Hi Igorad,

    What is PivotValues? Is it PivotMode or RangeMode?

    If PivotMode so :

    • 0-Standard(BasePrice=5)
    • 1-Camarilla(BasePrice=0)
    • 2-Demark's Pivots
    • 3-Fibo relative and Avg Range Levels
    • 4-Fibo absolute(in pips)
    • 5-Woodie's Pivots(BasePrice=7)

    If RangeMode so :

    • 0-Hi/Lo Range
    • 1-UpRange=High-BasePrice, DnRange=BasePrice-Low
    • 2-Range=Close-Close[1]

    I mean: why PP, H2/S2 and H4/S4 Camarilla Pivots = 0;2;4 ?

  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    Hi Igorad and NewDigital,
    Thank you for the info. I have been studying Caramilla over the last week, and anyone interested, there is the original site with lots of insight (Day Trading Online to Financial Freedom with the SureFireThing Camarilla Equation, and Igorad, the charts and pivot lines you have provided look different to what i have been studying, this is why I was asking for the "key" as to what is what. So for example, what represents the H (higher) and L (lower) levels on your charts. What data do you include in the formula do you apply, Open, high, low and close? I have seen some formula with include open while others don't. I was planning to test to see which ones work best on key forex instruments.
    I wanted to have the option to add pivot types selectively, not all at the same time. For example, Camarilla, and Floor pivots and not the rest.
    If I add all or some of them, How do I know which line is being generated by what pivot type? Colour coded?
    In the above screen shot there are NO H3 or L3. Why? and these are the important ones for action!
    Thank you both for the information.
    Last edited by Jozo; 07-01-2013 at 04:42 PM.

  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    Hi Igor, suppose I want to use Camarilla and not Demark. The question is whether I have any control of what appears on the chart, customise colours, and tags? For example on the first image, I only see "D levels" and no other tags. Got confused.

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