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This is a discussion on AllPivots within the Trading tools forums, part of the Trading Forum category; Hi Igorad, please see the image comparing the 2 Camarilla pivots - again labels/tags are missing, so I assume R4 ...

  1. #11
    Senior Member
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    AllPivots - Camarilla Vs Custom

    Hi Igorad, please see the image comparing the 2 Camarilla pivots - again labels/tags are missing, so I assume R4 corresponds to H4 but H3 is very different to R3, for example.AllPivots-camarilla-pivots-2-types-010713.png

  2. #12

    AllPivots: Updates (version 3.3)

    Hi Jozo,

    I see you're a bit confused with the right set of input parameters.

    In the new version you can make a choice what pivot levels you want to see. For that you should enter a list of numbers according to following rules:

    • for Standard (Floor) Pivots should be:

      PivotMode         =  0;                   //Pivot Mode:  0-Standard(BasePrice=5)
      PivotValues       =  "0;1;2;3;4";         //Pivot values(ratios)
      BaseHourShift     =  0;                   //Base Hour Shift(eg.0-start of the day)
      BasePrice         =  5;                   //Base Price (0...7) (1 for today's Open)
      where PivotValues are a list of level numbers: 0-Pivot Point(PP), 1-R1/S1, 2-R2/S2, 3-R3/S3 and 4-R4/S4. Please remember you can change the sequence in any way (eg. 1;2;4).

    • for Camarilla Pivots:

      PivotMode         =  1;                   //Pivot Mode:  1-Camarilla(BasePrice=0)  
      PivotValues       =  "0;1;2;3;4;5;6";     //Pivot values(ratios)
      BaseHourShift     =  0;                   //Base Hour Shift(eg.0-start of the day)
      BasePrice         =  0;                   //Base Price (0...7) (1 for today's Open)
      where PivotValues are a list of level numbers: 0-Pivot Point(PP), 1-H1/L1, 2-H2/L2 ... 6-H6/L6. Please remember you can change the sequence in any way (eg. 3;5;6). Also you should know H5/S5, H6/S6 are used as the target levels.

    • for Demark's Pivots:

      PivotMode         =  2;                   //Pivot Mode:  2-Demark's Pivots 
      PivotValues       =  "0;1";               //Pivot values(ratios)
      BaseHourShift     =  0;                   //Base Hour Shift(eg.0-start of the day)
      where PivotValues are a list of level numbers: 0-Pivot Point(PP), 1-R1/S1. Please remember you can change the sequence in any way (eg. 1).
      Also you should know the Base Price for this Pivots is calculated by the special formula and depends how has been closed the previous day.

    • for Fibo Pivots(relative):

      PivotMode         =  3;                   //Pivot Mode:  3-Fibo relative and Avg Range Levels 
      PivotValues       =  "0;0.382;0.618;1";   //Pivot values(ratios)
      RangeMode         =  0;                   //Range Mode:  0-Hi/Lo Range;
                                                //             1-UpRange=High-BasePrice, DnRange=BasePrice-Low 
                                                //             2-Range=Close-Close[1]  
      BaseHourShift     =  0;                   //Base Hour Shift(eg.0-start of the day)
      BasePrice         =  5;                   //Base Price (0...7) (1 for today's Open)
      AvgPeriod         =  1;                   //Avg Period
      where PivotValues are a list of level numbers: 0-Pivot Point(PP), 1-R1/S1, 2-R2/S2, 3-R3/S3 and so on. Please remember you can change the sequence in any way (eg. 0;0.382;0.618;1;1.236;1.5). Also you should know BasePrice(eg. 1) and AvgPeriod(eg. 10) can vary too.
      Typically RangeMode=0 is used for the Fibo Levels, but you can try to use other ranges: UpRange=High-BasePrice, DnRange=BasePrice-Low or Сlose-Close[1].
      Also please remember that the same settings you can use for the Average Range Pivots (eg. PivotValues=0;0.5;1;1.5;2;2.5).

    • for Fibo Pivots(absolute in pips):

      PivotMode         =  4;                   //Pivot Mode:  4-Fibo absolute(in pips)
      PivotValues       = "0;34;89;144;233;377";//Pivot values(ratios)
      BaseHourShift     =  0;                   //Base Hour Shift(eg.0-start of the day)
      BasePrice         =  1;                   //Base Price (0...7) (1 for today's Open)
      where PivotValues are a list of level numbers: 0-Pivot Point(PP), 1-R1/S1, 2-R2/S2, 3-R3/S3 and so on. Please remember you can change the sequence in any way (eg. 34;89;144;233). Also you should know BasePrice(eg. 1) can vary too.
      Just want to remind this Pivots are used in the !IN10TION NewsReader.

    • for Woodie's Pivots:
      PivotMode         =  5;                   //5-Woodie's Pivots(BasePrice=7)
      PivotValues       =  "0;1;2;3;4";         //Pivot values(ratios)
      BaseHourShift     =  0;                   //Base Hour Shift(eg.0-start of the day)
      BasePrice         =  7;                   //Base Price (0...7) (1 for today's Open)
      where PivotValues are a list of level numbers: 0-Pivot Point(PP), 1-R1/S1, 2-R2/S2, 3-R3/S3 and 4-R4/S4. Please remember you can change the sequence in any way (eg. 1;2;4).

    So I think now you will better understand how to use this indicator.

    Alex-162, rm4fx and Jagg like this.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Thanks Igorad for your wonderful work,

    For the 3.4 version, please could you add the mid pivot (medium between 2 pivots)

    Thanks a lot


  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by zilliq View Post
    Thanks Igorad for your wonderful work,

    For the 3.4 version, please could you add the mid pivot (medium between 2 pivots)

    Thanks a lot

    Hi Zilliq,

    Please check out the version 3.4 with the pivot median lines.

    Attachment 2300

    Pipnatized likes this.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Thanks a lot Igor, it's very very nice
    I use a lot of your indis and they're amazing ;-)
    Have a nice day


  6. #16
    Junior Member
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    May 2013
    Thanks Igor for this fantastic indicator.

    Fibo Pivots are the main part of my trading system, but I use Weekly and Monthly Fibo Pivots indicators (attach)...

    But there are some problem with these indicator:

    1- Weekly Fibo Pivots do not appear on Monday (i checked it with broker no Sunday cancel too)

    2- These indicators do not have GMT Time shift parameter ( As you know it is very important in Pivots)

    3- I need Yearly Fibo Pivots

    Igor, would you please help me to fix these indicators and writing Yearly Fibo Pivots indicator?

    Many thanks

    Attached Files Attached Files

  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Amir_A View Post
    Thanks Igor for this fantastic indicator.

    Fibo Pivots are the main part of my trading system, but I use Weekly and Monthly Fibo Pivots indicators (attach)...

    But there are some problem with these indicator:

    1- Weekly Fibo Pivots do not appear on Monday (i checked it with broker no Sunday cancel too)

    2- These indicators do not have GMT Time shift parameter ( As you know it is very important in Pivots)

    3- I need Yearly Fibo Pivots

    Igor, would you please help me to fix these indicators and writing Yearly Fibo Pivots indicator?

    Many thanks
    Hi Amir_A,

    As I understand your questions relate to the attached indicators, so I've a question - Why you don't use my indicator?

    These indicators do not have GMT Time shift parameter ( As you know it is very important in Pivots
    Just want to remind that our indicator has the BaseHourShift parameter which can be used instead of the GMTshift. For that you need to know what is your broker's GMT shift.

    I need Yearly Fibo Pivots
    I'll think how to do that.

    Also please check out the AllPivots_v3.5 with the new parameter DescriptionPlace:

    extern int     DescriptionPlace  =  1;   //0-on the left,1-in the middle,2-on the right

    Attachment 2377


  8. #18
    Administrator newdigital's Avatar
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    Just small article about Pivots: Camarilla (Day-Trader) Pivot Points

    The other small article :

    Forex Trading Pivot Points

    Pivot points is a set of indicators developed by floor traders in the commodities markets to determine potential turning points, also known as "pivots". Forex pivot points are calculated to determine levels in which the sentiment of the Forex market trend could change from "bullish" to "bearish." Currency traders use these points as markers of support and resistance.

    Forex pivot points are calculated as the average of the high, low and close from the previous trading session:
    Forex Pivot Point = (High + Low + Close) / 3
    Day traders use the calculated pivot points to determine levels of entry, stops and profit taking, by trying to determine where the majority of other Forex traders may be doing the same.

    A pivot point is a price level of significance in technical analysis of a financial market that is used by traders as a predictive indicator of market movement. It is calculated as an average of significant prices (high, low and close) from the performance of a market in the prior trading period. If the market in the following period trades above the central pivot it is usually evaluated as a bullish sentiment, whereas trading below the central pivot is seen as bearish.

    Pivot point is used to calculate additional levels of support and resistance, below and above central pivot, respectively, by either subtracting or adding price differentials calculated from previous trading ranges of the market.

    A pivot point and the associated support and resistance levels are often turning points for the direction of price movement in a market.

    • In an up-trending Forex market, the pivot point and the resistance levels may represent a ceiling level for the price. if price goes above this level the uptrend is no longer sustainable and a trend reversal may occur.
    • In a declining market, a pivot point and the support levels may represent a low for price level or a resistance to further decline.

    The central pivot point can then be used to calculate the support and resistance levels as follows:
    Pivot points consist of a central pivot level surrounded by three support levels below it and three resistance levels above it. Pivot points were originally used by floor traders on equity and futures exchanges because they provided a quick way for those traders to get a general idea of how the market was moving during the course of the day using only a few simple calculations. However, over time they have also proved exceptionally useful in other markets as well.

    One of the reasons they are now so popular is because they are considered a "leading" (or predictive) indicator rather than a lagging indicator. All that is required to calculate the pivot points for the upcoming (current) trading day is the previous day high, low, and close prices. The 24-hour cycle pivot points in this indicator are calculated according to the following formulas:

    The central pivot can then be used to calculate the support and resistance levels as follows:

    Resistance 3
    Resistance 2
    Resistance 1
    Pivot Point
    Support 1
    Support 2
    Support 3


    Pivot Points as a Forex Trading tool

    The pivot point itself represents a level of highest resistance or support, depending on the overall market condition. If the market is direction-less ( ranging Forex market) prices will often fluctuate greatly around this level until a price breakout develops. Trading above or below the central pivot indicates the overall market sentiment as bullish or bearish respectively. Pivot point is a leading Forex indicator that provides signals of potentially new market highs or lows within a given chart time frame.

    The support and resistance levels calculated from the central pivot and the previous market width may be used as exit points of the open Forex trades, but are rarely used as entry signals. For example, if the market is up-trending and breaks through the pivot point, the first or second resistance level is often a good target to close a position, as the probability of resistance and reversal increases greatly, with every resistance level.

    In pivot point analysis three levels are commonly recognized above and below the central point. These are calculated from the range of price movement in the previous trading period and then added to the central pivot for resistances and subtracted from it for support levels.


    Pivot levels can be used in many different ways. Here are a few of the most common methods for utilizing them:

    Trend Direction: Combined with other Forex analysis techniques such as overbought/oversold oscillators, volatility measurements, etc., the central pivot may be useful in determining the general trending direction of the Forex market. Trades are only taken in the direction of the Forex trend. Buy trades occur only when the price is above the central point and sell trades occur only when the price is below the central pivot.

    Price Breakouts: When trading price breakouts, a bullish buy signal occurs when the price breaks up through the central pivot or one of the resistance levels (typically Resistance 1). A short sell signal occurs when price breaks down through the central point or one of the support levels (typically Support 1).

    Trend Reversals: When trading trend reversals, a buy signal occurs when the price moves towards a support level, gets very close to it, touches it, or moves only slightly through it, and then ...

  9. #19
    Administrator newdigital's Avatar
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    How to Use Pivots Points for Forex Day Trading

    Pivot Points are used by Forex traders to find support and resistance levels based on the previous day's price action. There are various ways to calculate pivot points, including averaging the open, high, low, and close of the previous day's chart price.

    Forex Traders use a combination of pivot points with moving averages to find trading opportunities in the currency markets.

    Pivot points are very useful tools that use the previous bars' highs, lows and closings to project support and resistance levels for future bars.
    Longer term pivot points provide an idea of where key support and resistance levels should be. Place the pivot points on your forex charts and price will bounce off one of these levels. These levels are used by traders trading market tops, market bottoms or trend reversals. The Pivot points are accurate since they provide the high and low of price for a particular day.

    • Daily pivots are calculated from previous day's high, low, close which ends at 5.00pm EST(2100 GMT)

    How to Interpret and Use Pivot Points in Forex Trading

    The pivot point itself is the primary support/resistance level, This means that the largest price movement is expected to occur at this price.

    The other support and resistance levels are also important in calculating levels that can generate significant price movements.

    Pivot points can be used in two ways. The first way is for determining overall Forex market trend: if the pivot point price is broken in an upward movement, then the market trend is bullish, and vice versa. However, pivot points are short-term trend indicators, useful for only one day until they need to be recalculated.

    The second method is to use pivot price levels to enter and exit the markets. Pivot point is a useful tool that can be used to calculate levels that are likely to cause price movement.

    These points should be used conjunction with other forms of technical analysis such as Moving averages, MACD and stochastic oscillator.

    Pivot point levels can be used in many different ways. Here are a few of the most common methods for utilizing them.

    Trend Direction Determined by Pivot Point: Combined with other technical analysis techniques such as overbought/oversold oscillators, volatility measurements, the central pivot point may be useful in determining the general trending direction of the Forex market. Trades are only taken in the direction of the Forex trend. Buy trades occur only when the price is above the central point and sell trades occur only when the price is below the central pivot.

    Price Breakouts: When trading price breakouts, a bullish signal occurs when the price breaks up through the central pivot or one of the resistance levels (typically Resistance 1). A bearish signal occurs when price breaks down through the central pivot or one of the support levels (typically Support 1).

    Forex Trend Reversals: When trading price reversals;

    • A buy signal occurs when the price moves towards a support level, gets very close to it, touches it, or moves only slightly through it, and then reverses and moves back in the opposite direction.
    • A sell signal occurs when the price moves towards a resistance level, gets very close to it, touches it, or moves only slightly through it, and then reverses and moves back in the opposite direction.

    Stop loss and/or Limit Profit Values Determined by Support/Resistance Levels: The central pivot and its support and resistance levels may be potentially helpful in determining suitable stop loss and/or limit profit placements. For example, if trading a long breakout above the Resistance 1 level it may be reasonable to position a stop loss.

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    Administrator newdigital's Avatar
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    Other Pivot Point Calculation Methods

    While we suggest that you stick to the standard method of calculating pivot points, you should know that there are other ways to calculate for pivot points. In this lesson, we will talk about these other methods, as well as give you the formulas on how to calculate for these levels.

    Woodie Pivot Point

    R2 = PP + High - Low
    R1 = (2 X PP) - Low
    PP = (H + L + 2C) / 4
    S1 = (2 X PP) - High
    S2 = PP - High + Low
    C - Closing Price, H - High, L - Low

    In the formulas above, you'll notice that the pivot point calculation is very different from the standard method.

    Also, in order the calculate for the corresponding support and resistance levels, you would use the difference between the previous day's high and low, otherwise known as the range.

    Here's a chart example of the Woodie pivot point calculation applied on EURUSD. The Woodie pivot point, support levels, and resistance levels are the solid lines while the dotted lines represent the levels calculated through the standard method.


    Because they have different formulas, levels obtained through the Woodie calculations are very different from those gotten through the standard method.

    Some traders prefer to use the Woodie formulas because they give more weight to the closing price of the previous period. Others prefer the standard formulas because many traders make use of those, which could make them self-fulfilling.

    In any case, since resistance turns into support (and vice versa), if you choose to use the Woodie formulas, you should keep an eye on these levels as they could become areas of interest. Whatever floats your boat!

    Camarilla Pivot Point

    R4 = C + ((H-L) x 1.5000)
    R3 = C + ((H-L) x 1.2500)
    R2 = C + ((H-L) x 1.1666)
    R1 = C + ((H-L) x 1.0833)
    PP = (H + L + C) / 3
    S1 = C - ((H-L) x 1.0833)
    S2 = C - ((H-L) x 1.1666)
    S3 = C - ((H-L) x 1.2500)
    S4 = C - ((H-L) x 1.5000)
    C - Closing Price, H - High, L - Low

    The Camarilla formulas are similar to the Woodie formula. They also use the previous day's close and range to calculate the support and resistance levels.

    The only difference is that you should calculate for 8 major levels (4 resistance and 4 support), and each of these levels should be multiplied by a multiplier.

    The main concept of Camarilla pivot points is that it is based on the idea that price has a natural tendency to revert back to the mean (sound familiar?), or in this case, the previous day's close.

    The idea is that you should buy or sell when price reaches either the third support or resistance level. However, if price were to burst through S4 or R4, it would mean that the intraday trend is strong, and it's about time you jump on that bandwagon!

    Check out how the Camarilla calculation gives different levels (solid lines) compared to the standard method's levels (dotted lines)!


    As you can see from the chart above, more emphasis is given to the closing price as opposed to the pivot point. Because of this, it's possible that resistance levels could be below the pivot point or support levels could be above it.

    See how all the support and resistance levels are above the Camarilla pivot point?

    Fibonacci Pivot Point

    R3 = PP + ((High - Low) x 1.000)
    R2 = PP + ((High - Low) x .618)
    R1 = PP + ((High - Low) x .382)
    PP = (H + L + C) / 3
    S1 = PP - ((High - Low) x .382)
    S2 = PP - ((High - Low) x .618)
    S3 = PP - ((High - Low) x 1.000)
    C - Closing Price, H - High, L - Low

    Fibonacci pivot point levels are determined by first calculating the pivot point like you would the standard method.

    Next, multiply the previous day's range with its corresponding Fibonacci level. Most traders use the 38.2%, 61.8% and 100% retracements in their calculations.

    Finally, add or subtract the figures you get to the pivot point and voila, you've got your Fibonacci pivot point levels!
    Look at the chart below to see how the levels calculated through the Fibonacci method (solid lines) differ from those calculated through the standard method (dotted lines).


    The logic behind this is that many traders like using the Fibonacci ratios. People use it for retracement levels, moving averages, etc.

    Why not use it for pivot points as well?
    Remember that both Fibonacci and pivot points levels are used to find support and resistance. With so many traders looking at these levels, they can actually become self-fulfilling.

    Which method is best?

    The truth is, just like all the variations of all the other indicators that you've learned so far, there is no single best method. It really all depends on how you combine your knowledge of pivot points with all the other tools in your trading toolbox.

    Just know that most charting software that do automatic calculations normally use the standard method in calculating for the pivot point levels.

    But now that you know how to calculate for these levels on your own, you can give them all a swing and see which one works best for you. Pivot away!

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