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This is a discussion on Traders Joking within the Traders Joking forums, part of the Non-Related Discussion category; Russian Kremlins Voice of Russia begins its series of publications of virtual tours along Russian Kremlins. The departing point is ...

  1. #221
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    Russian Kremlins

    Voice of Russia begins its series of publications of virtual tours along Russian Kremlins. The departing point is the Moscow Kremlin, a unique building that is closely connected to the history of Russia. The Moscow Kremlin is an official residence of Russian President and the main symbol of the country.

    The Moscow Kremlin

    The Grand Kremlin Palace

    The Grand Kremlin Palace was built for Nicolay 1 in 1838-1850 on the site of the palace of the empress Elizaveta Petrovna, which, in its turn, was built on the site of the palace of Ivan 3. The construction was managed by K.A. Ton, forefather of “Byzantine-Russian” architecture style. Its’ five main halls are called after the orders of the Russian Empire – St. George’s, St. Andrew’s, Alexander’s, St Vlodymyr's, Catherine’s.

    The Palace of the Facets

    The Palace of the Facets was built by Marco Fryazin and Pietro Antonio Solari for Ivan 3 in 1491. In the very beginning, the palace was a part of a complex that comprised the Palace of the Quay, the Golden Palace and The Big Palace (later, it was given the name of the Palace of the Facets). The complex is no longer exists. Such palaces were created for receptions and banquets. The palace was opened for tourists on June 21, 2012.

    The Teremnoy Palace

    Teremnoy Palace was built by B. Ogurtsov, T. Sharutin, A.Konstantinov and L. Ushakov in 1635-1636 during the rule of Michael I of Russia. The remains of the Armory were used as a basement. Tsar’s apartments that comprised four rooms of the average size, occupied the second floor.

    The State Kremlin Palace

    The State Kremlin Palace, formerly known as the Kremlin Palace of Congresses was built in 1961 under the management of M.V. Posokhin with the support of Khrushchev on the site of the old building of the Kremlin Armory. The construction lasted for 16 months and the opening was dated for the 22 conference of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Besides congresses, conferences and meetings, the hall is intended for festivals and theatrical performances: operas, ballets and concerts.

    Moscow Kremlin territory

    Moscow Kremlin was built on Borovitsky Hill on the left side of the Moscow River. First fortifications, surrounded by ditch and earth mound, were constructed there in 1156. In 1238, during Mongol-Tatar invasion Moscow Kremlin was demolished, in 1339 it was rebuilt; current walls and towers were built in 1485-1516. Today Kremlin houses a residence of Russian President and a lot of historical monuments.
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    The Cat

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    iOS 7.1: What's new in the latest iPhone, iPad software?

    Apple today launched iOS 7.1, the first major update to the iOS 7 mobile operating system.

    iOS 7.1, which is live as of this morning, includes a handful of minor tweaks: upgraded fingerprint recognition for the iPhone 5S, a fix for a persistent home-screen bug, improvements to iTunes Radio, and a new look for the Calendar app. The platform also gets at least one major upgrade, in the form of CarPlay, which helps integrate messaging, maps, and music with your vehicle's touch screen.

    For now, CarPlay works with specific car models built by five companies: Hyundai, Mercedes-Benz, Ferrari, Honda, and Volvo. But Apple says a range of manufacturers will be added in the future.

    If you've got an iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, or iPhone 5S, you'll receive a push notification for the download. (Ditto for iPad 2 or later iPad models; iPad mini or later iPad mini models; and the fifth generation iPod Touch.) You can also download the software via iTunes.

    But make sure you've got enough space cleared on your device: As Eric Zeman of Information Week notes, iOS 7 requires between "250 MB and 325 MB [of free space], depending on what device you have." In other words, get ready to part with some of those big video files.

    iOS 7, which was released last fall in conjunction with the iPhone 5S, represented a major overhaul from iOS 6. Gone were the cartoonish, skeuomorphic icons; ushered in was a "flat" interface with sharp lines and plenty of color.

    Late last month, after security experts disclosed the existence of an iOS 7 bug that was described as "bad as you could imagine," Apple was forced to release a security fix, but that update did not add any meaningful features.
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    How scientists taught monkeys the concept of money. Not long after, the first prostitute monkey appeared

    You may have thought things like currency or money are concepts known solely to man. Some might have a sense of ownership, besides of course territory, but trading and the likes haven’t been observed in any other species besides homo sapiens. An economist/psychologist duo from Yale back in 2005, however, managed to train seven capuchin monkeys how to use money, and I’m pretty sure from here on some of you might be able to guess what happened from there on.

    The most interesting part comes about at the time when researchers paced the game a bit harder. Now, they instructed a monkey to always pull the lever (mindless altruist), and an other to never pull it (ego-monkey). The two were then inserted in the game with other monkeys. At first, the mindless altruist was pulling the lever every time, never missing a cage for its food, while the other tamarins responded in the same way 50 percent of the time. The other monkeys soon understood, though, that the mindless altruist was just pulling the lever anyway, indifferently of whether it was reciprocated or not – their response dropped to 30 percent of the time. The ego-monkey was exposed to the harshest treatment, as expected – very harshly. “[The other tamarins] would just go nuts,” Chen recalls when she was introduced with all the other. ”They’d throw their feces at the wall, walk into the corner and sit on their hands, kind of sulk.

    "I bought an Adam Sandler for 7 monkey dollars."

    When Chen and Santos first started their study, they didn’t have a particular goal in mind. It was just as simple as giving a monkey a dollar and see what would happen, which was exactly the case, instead of the dollar, however, a silver disc with a hole in its center was employed a means of currency for the capuchins. It took several months of repetition for the capuchins to learn that they could exchange such a token for fruit. After they understood this, each monkey was given 12 tokens to decide on how to spend it in her best interest on food valued at different prices. Researchers observed that the monkeys could very well budget. Researchers then changed the market and put Jell-O at a lower price, to see if monkeys would buy less grapes and more Jell-O. They acted exactly like the current laws of economics dictate for humans as well.

    They then taught them how to gamble, and saw they made the same irrational decisions a human gambler would make as well. The data generated by the capuchin monkeys, Chen says, ”make them statistically indistinguishable from most stock-market investors.”
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    Bill Gates: People Don't Realize How Many Jobs Will Soon Be Replaced By Software Bots

    Bill Gates: People Don't Realize How Many Jobs Will Soon Be Replaced By Software Bots

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    Big changes are coming to the labor market that people and governments aren't prepared for, Bill Gates believes.

    Speaking at Washington, D.C., economic think tank The American Enterprise Institute on Thursday, Gates said that within 20 years, a lot of jobs will go away, replaced by software automation ("bots" in tech slang, though Gates used the term "software substitution").

    This is what he said:

    "Software substitution, whether it's for drivers or waiters or nurses … it's progressing. ... Technology over time will reduce demand for jobs, particularly at the lower end of skill set. ... 20 years from now, labor demand for lots of skill sets will be substantially lower. I don’t think people have that in their mental model."

    He's not the only one predicting this gloomy scenario for workers. In January, the Economist ran a big profile naming over a dozen jobs sure to be taken over by robots in the next 20 years, including telemarketers, accountants and retail workers.

    Gates believes that the tax codes are going to need to change to encourage companies to hire employees, including, perhaps, eliminating income and payroll taxes altogether. He's also not a fan of raising the minimum wage, fearing that it will discourage employers from hiring workers in the very categories of jobs that are most threatened by automation.

    He explained:

    "When people say we should raise the minimum wage. I worry about what that does to job creation ... potentially damping demand in the part of the labor spectrum that I’m most worried about."
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    Get Rich In Seconds - A Software That Has Been Rated As The Most Profitable And Convenient Money Doubling System

    Get Rich In Seconds - A Software That Has Been Rated As The Most Profitable And Convenient Money Doubling System

    Get Rich in Seconds is the latest researched software that has been created by Robert Morrison to trigger traders’ attention. Robert claims to advantage his customers with $5000 profit every other day. People have actually availed the great offer making hundreds and even thousands of dollars in no time. Multiple reviews about Get rich in Seconds are posted online by users revealing their experiences. The best part about this money making system is the pre deposited amount of $10,000 in user’s accounts so as to generate earnings as soon as the user gets on the system. People have really been fascinated by learning about such a big amount that will be deposited in their accounts.

    As the world is hit by inflation, Robert has designed his system so as to meet market requirements and people’s needs of living. People will be able to earn quite a lot from this system as it is capable of making bulk of dollars at a time. This is also known as the most prompt and convenient system for the audience as it is based on simplest money making strategies. Get Rich in seconds is the program designed to profit users every second of each day so as to leave no regret in their minds and further improvise earnings.

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    How typical programmers look like :

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    yoga cat

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    Happy Monday

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