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MetaTrader 4 Platform Overview

This is a discussion on MetaTrader 4 Platform Overview within the HowToBasic forums, part of the Announcements category; Originally Posted by newdigital New MetaTrader 4 Build 970: Simplified demo account opening and expanded MQL4 features "Support for MetaTrader ...

  1. #131
    Administrator newdigital's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by newdigital View Post
    New MetaTrader 4 Build 970: Simplified demo account opening and expanded MQL4 features

    "Support for MetaTrader 4 terminal builds below 910 will be discontinued on July 1, 2016. Unsupported terminal builds will not be able to connect to the new server versions. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you upgrade your terminal."
    So, 970 build is the latest one for MT4, and if your Metatrader is not going to be updated to 970 - so - according to post made by admin of MQ here - you can create demo account at MetaQuotes-Demo server (using same MT4) - and the update will be started.
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  2. #132
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    Mobile trading on Forex, stock exchanges, and CFDs

    Good website was opened by Metaquotes related to mobile trading, Apps, and features:

    Mobile trading on Forex, stock exchanges, and CFDs
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  3. #133
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    New MetaTrader 4 build 985: Built-in Chat

    New MetaTrader 4 build 985: Built-in Chat

    Support for MetaTrader 4 terminal versions below 940 to end on July 1, 2016

    After July 1, 2016, MetaTrader 4 terminal versions below 940 will be no longer supported. Unsupported terminal builds will not be able to connect to new server versions. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you update your terminals.

    MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal build 985

    1. Terminal: New built-in chat. Now, traders can chat with their friends and fellow traders straight from the platform. The chat maintains the history of messages, as well as it features the number of unread messages. To start a chat, log in to your MQL5 account straight from the chat window or via the platform settings: 'Tools' -> 'Options' -> 'Community'.

    MetaTrader 4 Platform Overview-chat__1.png

    read more here
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  4. #134
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    By the way, MT4 is now available for MAC. For example, I've downloaded my version from the web-site of current broker for free.

  5. #135
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    Neural Networks Explained in Plain English with Ron Leplae

    Neural Networks Explained in Plain English with Ron Leplae

    The goal of the webinar is to demystify neural networks, explain neural networks in plain English, and share easy to understand code examples how NN can be used.

    • Artificial Intelligence: History and Background
    • Neural Networks: The Basics
    • Case Example
    • Problems with Neural Networks
    • Solutions to common problems with Neural Networks

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  6. #136
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    How to Trade the GDP Number

    How to Trade the GDP Number

    A lesson on what traders of the stock, futures, and forex markets look for when the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Number is released.

    As we have learned in previous lessons there are many components of the US Economy which can affect overall economic growth and inflation expectations. Some of the major examples here are how many people are employed in the economy vs. unemployed, how much the housing market is growing in different parts of the country, and at what rate the prices for different products in the economy are seeing increases.

    As all of these things are so important to the economy and therefore to the markets, there are no shortage of economic reports which are released to try and help people gauge how things are going with different pieces of the economy. It is important for us as traders to understand the major reports here as even if we are trading off of technicals, understanding what is happening in the market from a fundamental standpoint can help establish a longer term bias for trading. In the short term an understanding of these numbers will also help to assess the erratic and sometimes extreme movements which can occur after economic releases.

    GBPUSD M5: 59 pips range price movement by USD - GDP news event:

    MetaTrader 4 Platform Overview-gbpusd-m5-metaquotes-software-corp-59-pips-range-price-movement.png

    The granddaddy of all economic reports is the release of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) number for the economy. The Gross Domestic Product for the US or any other country is the final value of all the goods and services produced in that economy. Essentially what you get after calculating GDP by adding up the value of all goods and services produced in the economy is a measure of the size of the overall economy. It is for this reason that market participants will watch the GDP number closely as the rate of growth in this number represents the rate of growth in the overall economy.

    As a side note here, GDP also allows a comparison to be made of the sizes of different economies from around the world, as well as their growth rates. To give you an idea of just how large the US Economy is, 2007 GDP for the United States was estimated at 13.7 Trillion dollars. This is in comparison to the next largest economy in the world, Japan which has a GDP of under 5 Trillion Dollars.

    EURUSD M5: 42 pips rangeprice movement by USD - GDP news event:

    MetaTrader 4 Platform Overview-eurusd-m5-metaquotes-software-corp-42-pips-rangeprice-movement.png

    Quarterly estimates of GDP are released each month with Advance Estimates which are incomplete and subject to further revision being released near the end of the first month after the end of the quarter being reported. In the second month after the end of the quarter being reported preliminary numbers (which basically means more accurate than advanced) normally are released and then finally the final GDP number is released at the end of the 3rd month after the end of the quarter being reported on.

    Traders are going to focus heavily on the growth rate released in the Advanced number and markets will also move on any significant revisions made in the preliminary and final GDP numbers.

    Last edited by FXstreet; 10-28-2016 at 07:46 AM.
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  7. #137
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    The Components of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

    The Components of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

    In addition to looking at the growth or lack thereof in the overall GDP number, traders will also look at the growth or lack there of in the different components that make up the number. As GDP represents the value of everything in an Economy you can imagine the amount of data that goes into compiling the number, much of which is published for market participants to view. By looking at the different pieces which make up GDP we can get a good picture of what is happening not only with the overall economy but with all the different components of the economy which are reported on to come up with the final number.

    EURUSD M5: 33 pips price movement by USD - GDP news event:

    MetaTrader 4 Platform Overview-2222.png

    Now we could spend many lessons going over all the data that is in this report. The goal here however is to build a framework for understanding the major components so we as traders can understand what is going on when the market reacts to certain pieces of the report and will recognize when to dig deeper for more information on what is happening in a certain sector. The broad categories that it is important to have an understanding of are:

    1. Personal Consumption Expenditures -- as over 65% of the US economy is made up of this category, what the individual consumer is doing ie the growth or lack thereof in their consumption, as well as on what goods and services they are spending their money on is heavily focused on.

    2. Private Investment - This includes purchases of things such as computers, equipment and inventories (known as fixed assets) by businesses, purchases of homes by individuals, and of businesses investing in inventories of goods to sell. These are all obviously important things, as how much businesses are investing is a good indication of how they feel about future growth prospects, and how much growth the housing market is experiencing is also an important component of the economy.

    3. Government Spending -- this includes pretty much everything the government spends money on besides social programs.

    4. Exports -- Imports -- an important number which shows how wide the gap is between how much the country exports and how much it imports.

    What the GDP number is going to give you a feel for is how much each of the above grew for the quarter and what their overall contribution to the economy was. The above numbers will then be broken down into more detailed numbers which go into compiling the final number for the above 4 categories.

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  8. #138
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    Euro Day Trading Strategy

    MetaTrader 4 Platform Overview-eurusd-m15-alpari-international-limited.png

    The key elements of this strategy are as follows:

    1. A strategy designed for intraday trading
    2. Rangebound strategy expecting the market to revert to a mean
    3. Plot 2 pairs of bollinger bands, each using different standard deviations
    4. When the market closes at or above the upper band of the higher standard deviation bollinger band, look to short
    5. Confirm that ADX is low
    6. Exit based on a fixed risk/reward, lower bollinger bands, and/or a spike in ADX
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  9. #139
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    MetaQuotes abandons MT4, turns entirely to MT5 trading platform

    Hi Igor / ND.

    MetaQuotes abandons MT4, turns entirely to MT5 trading platform

    With the end of MT4 support what would be the best way to avoid problems in the future?
    Migrate to MT5?
    Migrate to cTRADER / Protrader C #?

    Thank you,
    madopter likes this.

  10. #140
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    Quote Originally Posted by rogeriob28 View Post
    Hi Igor / ND.

    MetaQuotes abandons MT4, turns entirely to MT5 trading platform

    With the end of MT4 support what would be the best way to avoid problems in the future?
    Migrate to MT5?
    Migrate to cTRADER / Protrader C #?

    Thank you,
    Do not be in panic.
    MetaQuotes just stopped to support for MT4 (because MQ is software developing company). But everybody can still download and install MT4 from the brokers, so the majority of the traders (incl me and others) are still using MT4.

    MT5 is great platform and we on this forum will slowly be transferred from MT4 to MT5 - but it will takes the years ... not weeks and not months ... the years to complete the ransferring from MT4 to MT5 (for Metaquotes, for brokers and for everybody).

    So, do not be in panic

    By the way, my MT4 was updated for new build yesterday:

    MetaTrader 4 Platform Overview-mt4updates.png
    rogeriob28 and madopter like this.
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