Now I've had a chance to load the .itf file I can see that my attempt at coding it isn't too bad, but I've adopted your version since it's clearly better ;-)
However, I don't think that your version is the same as Ehlers'. If you look at his version on a daily time frame (shown here: TRADERS' TIPS - AUGUST 2014) the slow quotient remains smooth sometimes for periods of more than a month. Your version is much less smoothed. Any thoughts?
A second point is that one part of the code that confuses me is the line:
HP = ( 1 - alpha1 / 2 )*( 1 - alpha1 / 2 )*( Close - 2 * Close[1] + Close[2] ) + 2 * ( 1 - alpha1 ) * HP[1] - ( 1 - alpha1 ) * ( 1 - alpha1 ) * HP[2]
and, in particular the variable HP.
The code is essentially saying to compute HP use HP[1] and HP[2]...but to compute HP[1] don't you need to have computed HP?
Isn't it a circular argument? Again, any thoughts