AllHeiken-Ashi_trend first edition
, 05-30-2014 at 11:21 AM (1824 Views)
AllHeiken-Ashi_trend first version
Proposed by matfx
Indicators (all indicators work with Metatrader 4 build 600 and above).
- AllHeikin-Ashi_v2.4 indicator for MT4 build 600+ is on this post. This is 2.3 version coded for 600+ build.
- AllPivots_v3.8 indicator is on this post.
- BBands_Stop_v3.0 600+ indicator is on this post.
- allheiken-ashi_trend_first.tpl (attached)
How to install
- Open Metatrader 4
- Go to File - Open Data Folder (in menu)
- Find MQL4 folder and find Indicators folder inside it
- Place 3 indicators inside MQL4/Indicators folder
- Place template file to templates folder of Data Folder directory
- Restart Metatrader
- Open the chart of your selected pair M30 timeframe
How to trade
- follow the rules described by matfx above
- but I think - we can enter on price/yellow pivot line crossing with BBands_Stop_v3.0 as a trailing stop and pivot lines as the target profit.