CurrencyStrengthHistory indicator with the advanced popup/email/push alerts ---------- CurrencyStrengthHistory_v1.4 600+ indicator was created for Premium Trading Forum. This is updated CurrencyStrengthHistory indicator with the advanced popup/email/push alerts on crossovers of the currency strength and the specified (+/-)levels. ---------- You need to subscribe to Premium Trading Forum to ...
KagiLiveChart indicator with the KagiOnOfflineChart indicator ---------- KagiLiveChart_v1.0 600+ indicator and KagiOnOfflineChart_v1.6 600+ indicator were created for Premium Trading Forum. This is the KagiLiveChart indicator with the KagiOnOfflineChart indicator which plots the Kagi Style Chart on the usual OHLC chart. ---------- You ...
StepMACrossover subwindow version ---------- StepMACrossover_v3.2sw 600+ indicator was created for Premium Trading Forum. This is the subwindow version of the StepMACrossover indicator. ---------- You need to subscribe to Premium Trading Forum to read and to download.
AllMACD_BB indicators ---------- AllMACD_BB_Lines_v1.1 600+ indicator and AllMACD_BB_Bars_v1.1 600+ indicator were created for Premium Trading Forum. Those are advanced new indicators with the new sets of MAs and prices, and advanced popup/email/push alerts added. ---------- You need to subscribe to Premium Trading Forum to read and to download.
Divergence indicators: AllMACD Divergence ---------- AllMACD Divergence_v2.6 600+ indicator and AllMACD_BB_Bars_v1.1 600+ indicator were created for Premium Trading Forum. This is the advanced AllMACD Divergence indicator with the new set of MAs which allows to show divergences on the MACD and on the MACD oscillator. ---------- You need to subscribe ...