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  1. Understanding Programming Paradigms (Part 2): An Object-Oriented Approach to Developing a Price Action Expert Advisor

    by , 03-29-2024 at 06:25 AM
    In the first article I introduced programming paradigms and focused on how to implement procedural programming in MQL5. I also explored functional programming. After gaining a deeper understanding of how procedural programming works, we created a basic price action expert advisor using the exponential moving average indicator (EMA) and candlestick price data.

    This article will take a deeper dive into the object-oriented programming paradigm. We'll then apply this knowledge
  2. Neural networks made easy (Part 38): Self-Supervised Exploration via Disagreement

    by , 03-14-2024 at 05:18 AM
    This algorithm is based on a self-learning method, where the agent uses information obtained during interaction with the environment to generate "intrinsic" rewards and update its strategy. The algorithm is based on the use of several agent models that interact with the environment and generate various predictions. If the models disagree, it is considered an "interesting" event and the agent is incentivized to explore that space of the environment. In this way, the algorithm incentivizes the agent
  3. Three-Year Note Auction Attracts Below Average Demand

    by , 03-13-2024 at 07:00 AM
    The Treasury Department kicked off this week's series of announcements of the results of its long-term securities auctions on Monday, revealing this month's auction of $56 billion worth of three-year notes attracted below average demand. The three-year note auction drew a high yield of 4.256 percent and a bid-to-cover ratio of 2.60.

  4. Evaluating ONNX models using regression metrics

    by , 03-06-2024 at 05:19 AM
    Regression is a task of predicting a real value from an unlabeled example. A well-known example of regression is estimating the value of a diamond based on such characteristics as size, weight, color, clarity, etc.

    The so-called regression metrics are used to assess the accuracy of regression model predictions. Despite similar algorithms, regression metrics are semantically different from similar loss functions.

  5. Working with ONNX models in float16 and float8 formats

    by , 03-03-2024 at 11:45 AM
    With the advancement of machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies, there is a growing need to optimize processes for working with models. The efficiency of model operation directly depends on the data formats used to represent them. In recent years, several new data types have emerged, specifically designed for working with deep learning models.

    In this article, we will focus on two such new data formats - float16 and float8, which are beginning to be actively used
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