CurrencyStrengthBoard and CurrencyStrengthHistory indicators with prefix and suffix options ---------- CurrencyStrengthBoard_v1.5 600+ indicator and CurrencyStrengthHistory_v1.2 600+ indicator were created for Premium Trading Forum. Those are the updated CurrencyStrengthBoard and CurrencyStrengthHistory indicators with ability to enter prefix and suffix for the specified broker. ---------- ...
DarvasBoxes with the new graphical options and all kinds of alerts ---------- DarvasBoxes_v3.3 600+ indicator was created for Premium Trading Forum. This is the new and updated DarvasBoxes indicator with the new graphical options and all kinds of alerts. ---------- You need to subscribe to Premium Trading Forum to read and to download.
DonchianCloudTrader EA updated with the set file (the settings) for EURUSD,M5 and EURGBP,M5 ---------- DonchianCloudTrader_v1.3 600+ EA was created for Premium Trading Forum. This is the updated DonchianCloudTrader EA which is based on the DonchianCloudSystem indicator with ECN algorithm and with the possibility to work fine on DAX30. The set file (the settings) of this EA for EURUSD,M5 and EURGBP,M5 was uploaded here. ...
TickVoltyChannel_Stop_v2 indicator ---------- TickVoltyChannel_Stop_v2 600+ indicator was created for Premium Trading Forum. This indicator is having almost the same functionality as the VoltyChannel_Stop_v6.3. ---------- You need to subscribe to Premium Trading Forum to read and to download.
LabTrend trading system: full set of the LabTrend indicators for MT5 ---------- LabTrend1_v5_1, LabTrend2_v5_1 and LabTrend3_v5_1 indicators for Metatrader 5 were created for Premium Trading Forum. The advanced indicators are having MTF feature, and with the ability to color with bars, with all kinds of alerts incl email alert, push notification and with UpTrend/DownTrend alerts. ---------- You ...