AllAverages T3-LSMA-ILRS Trading System first version for Metatrader 5
, 03-09-2017 at 04:53 PM (1255 Views)
This is AllAverages T3-LSMA-ILRS Trading System first version for Metatrader 5
How to install:
- place AllAverages_v3.mq5 indicator (download it from this post) and MaksiGen_Range_Move_mtf_3.mq5 indicator (attached) to MT5 Data Folder\...\MQL5\Indicators folder;
- compile indicators in MetaEditor;
- place template file (attached) to MT5 Data Folder\...\MQL5\Profiles\Templates folder;
- open chart, right mouse click on the chart, select Template and our template (by name). And everything will be loaded.