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The Best Investment Advice Of All Time

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by , 07-02-2014 at 01:15 AM (1829 Views)
Quote Originally Posted by FXstreet View Post
Five billionaires. A miser. A Nobel laureate. A Founding Father. We’ve rounded up the 20 finest market minds—dead or alive—and distilled their timeless wisdom into specific suggestions for stocks, bonds and funds you can buy today. Be warned: You just might get rich.

Investor profiles by: Tom Anderson, John Dobosz, Maggie McGrath, Janet Novack, Steve Schaefer, Matt Schifrin, Samantha Sharf, Brian Solomon, Nathan Vardi, John F. Wasik


Jack Bogle

Age: 85
Founder, Vanguard
Indispensible Wisdom: It's the fees, stupid
Nicknames: Jack, Saint Jack (used by supporters and detractors alike)
Money Quote: "Don't let the miracle of long-term compounding of returns be overwhelmed by the tyranny of long-term compounding of costs."

Sir John Templeton

Founder, Templeton Funds
Indispensable wisdom: Buy at the point of maximum pessimism; sell at the point of maximum optimism
Money quote: "If you buy the same securities everyone else is buying, you will have the same results as everyone else."

Warren Buffett

Age: 83
Chairman and CEO, Berkshire Hathaway
Indispensible Wisdom: Only invest in what you understand and at the right price
Nickname: Oracle of Omaha
Bestseller: Berkshire's annual letter to shareholders
Money Quote: "Whether socks or stocks, I like buying quality merchandise when it is marked down."


Nathan Mayer Rothschild

Founder, N.M. Rothschild & Sons
Indispensable Wisdon: Information is money
Crystal Ball Cred: Thanks to his extensive network of carrier pigeons Rothschild knew that England had defeated France at Waterloo before anyone else in London. As other traders on the stock exchange braced for a British loss, he went long.
Fundamentals: Rothschild's father planted the seeds for the 19th century's greatest banking empire by stationing each of his five sons in different European cities. Nathan got London, but throughout his career he was able to profit from the insights of his brothers in Frankfurt, Paris, Naples and Vienna.
Invest Like Rothschild: Tap into groups with their fingers on the pulse. Consider shares in high-yielding private equity firms like Blackstone Group, Apollo Global Management, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts and Carlyle Group.

Sam Zell

Age: 72
Chairman, Equity Group Investments
Indispensible Wisdom: Losers can be lucrative, too
Nickname: The Grave Dancer
Money Quote: "Look for good companies with bad balance sheets and understand your downside."


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