trading forum wiki
, 06-23-2014 at 04:46 AM (1078 Views)
Trading Systems
Trading BrainTrading thread is here.
Heiken Parabolic Trading System is on this thread.
- Heiken Parabolic Trading System improved by AllStochastics_v4 indicator is on this post. AllStochastics_v4 600+ is on this post (this version works with Metatrader 4 build 600 and above)
- Heiken Parabolic Trading System improved by Digital filters - separate indicator is on this post. Digital filters - separate 600+ indicator is here (this version works with Metatrader 4 build 600 and above)
Ichimoku Abraham Trend system is on this thread. The versions of this system, rules and trading examples/statements - this post.
Tenkan Kijun Senkou Span B Trading system is on this thread.
- IchimokuSystem_v1 indicator is on this post. This is trading system indicator (original one).
- IchimokuSystem_v1.2 600+ indicator is on this post (this version works with Metatrader 4 build 600 and above)
AllAverages T3-LSMA-ILRS Trading System is on this thread.
Patterns by HWAFM for Metatrader 5 is on this thread.
- how to install and how to use - read first 3 pages of the thread.
Brainwashing Trading System is on this thread
- for MT4 is on this post; improved version for MT4 build 600 for build 600+ is on this post (premium section).
- for MT5 is on this post
Time Range Breakout system is on this thread.
AllHeiken-Ashi Trend trading system is on this page.
- AllHeiken-Ashi trend first version is on this post.
- AllHeiken-Ashi trend second version is on this post.
Kuasa Forex trading system is on this post.
Kuasa Forex signal Trading System updated is on this post.
Kuasa Forex signal Trading System improved by dremorah is on this post.
Trade Simulator is on this post. Test your manual trading system with MT statement using this tool.