Wealthy Chinese man buys two gold Apple Watch Editions for dog
, 05-28-2015 at 02:56 PM (1689 Views)
Wang Sicong, the son of mainland China's richest man, incited a virtual riot Tuesday after posting photos on Weibo of his Siberian Husky wearing not one, but two Apple Watch Editions on its front legs.
Wang's dog looks somewhat perplexed as to the reason for his shiny ankle adornment, but bears the weight well nonetheless. The set of five shots was uploaded to the dog's personal Weibo account via an iPhone 6, which is presumably also plated with gold.
"I have new watches! I'm supposed to have four watches since I have four long legs," the caption reads, as translated by Shanghaiist. "But that seems too tuhao so I kept it down to two, which totally fits my status. Do you have one?"
Tuhao is a derogatory Chinese term that refers to people who are rich, but lack corresponding social graces. Were it around at the time, Americans might have used the word to refer to the Clampett family from the Beverly Hillbillies.
The 42-millimeter Apple Watch Edition with white sport band retails for ¥88,800 ($14,318) in mainland China, meaning the value of the pooch's new bling exceeds $28,000.
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