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High Frequency Trading Review for 2014, November 02 - 09

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by , 11-12-2014 at 01:43 AM (1327 Views)
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High-frequency trading and the $440m mistake
. Computers and clever maths enable traders to buy and sell in the blink of an eye. But does high-frequency trading make matters worse when things go wrong?

Major exchanges seek to dismiss high-frequency trading lawsuit. "Major U.S. stock exchanges have asked a federal judge to dismiss a lawsuit accusing them of costing ordinary investors billions of dollars by rigging markets to benefit high-frequency traders."

London Stock Exchange to freeze trading at midday to fend off high-frequency traders.
"Trading on the London Stock Exchange will be halted mid-session for the first time in more than 200 years in a bid to protect its biggest customers from “flash boy” high-frequency traders. The LSE has two “auction” periods at the beginning and end of the day’s trading when share orders are submitted, but stock prices are frozen while buyers and sellers are matched to fix an opening and closing price."

SEC's White: High Frequency Trading May Need New Rules. The video: SEC Chairman Mary Jo White speaks with Stephanie Ruhle about bank and market regulation under the governance of Dodd-Frank legislation, the market impact of high-frequency trading, and what the commission is focusing on in 2015. She speaks from the SIFMA conference on “Market Makers.”

What's to Be Done About High Frequency Trading? The article: "Instead of a financial transaction tax or a change in SEC rules, perhaps the first thing we should be thinking about to solve the high frequency trading problem and a plethora of similar criminal incursions into our economy is a massive effort to achieve campaign finance reform, probably through a constitutional amendment."

High-frequency trading: Considerations and risks for pension funds. "Potential negative effects of the subset of automated algorithm-based trading known as high-frequency trading have recently generated significant attention, including congressional hearings, regulatory investigations, lawsuits and widespread media coverage."

High frequency trading profiles on LinkedIn. Just in case you need someone.

How is algorithmic trading related to high frequency trading?
A. Algorithmic trading
1) What is an Algorithm?
an algorithm is a step-by-step procedure for calculations.
2) What is algorithmic Algorithmic trading?
Algorithmic trading is the use of electronic platforms for entering trading orders with an algorithm which executes pre-programmed trading instructions whose variables may include timing, price, or quantity of the order, or in many cases initiating the order by automated computer programs.
B. High-frequency trading
What is it?
High-frequency trading (HFT) is the use of sophisticated technological tools and computer algorithms to rapidly trade securities.

High-Frequency Trading (HFT): How does it work?
  1. HFT firms choose the exchange they want to place the order on. Since they have direct access, they are not required to employ the services of a broker. They make the decisions pertaining to the trade on their own. Cutting out the middleman is what enables them to save time.
  2. HFT firms then execute their trades themselves or have a computer with a set of instructions programmed into it to do it for them. Of course, in case there are any variances, a trader has to manually execute the trade. That being said, it still enables them to make traders faster than is manually possible.
  3. Having intricate knowledge of how the market works and how trades are executed is important. You need to know how orders are placed and processed as you cannot get any additional help or assistance. Therefore, it is a given that HFT firms have the requisite knowledge to benefit from HFT

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