Traders often use classical technical analysis methods. However, there are many different ways and approaches, which can also be useful. In this article, I suggest a non-standard method for searching and interpreting divergences. Based on this approach, we will create a trading strategy. more...
Practical evaluation of the adaptive market following method The trading strategy presented in this article was first described by Vladimir Kravchuk in the "Currency speculator" magazine in 2001 - 2002. The system is based on the use of digital filters and spectral estimation of discrete time series. A live chart of quote changes may have an arbitrary form. In mathematics, such functions are called non-analytic. The famous ...
Fundamental Analysis Vs. Technical Analysis in Forex Traders analyze any financial market including the forex market in one of 3 ways: 1. Through Fundamental Analysis 2. Through Technical Analysis 3. Through a Combination of fundamental and technical analysis While which method a trader chooses is ultimately up to them and their trading personality, it is my opinion that a trader ...
The trading strategy presented in this article was first described by Vladimir Kravchuk in the "Currency speculator" magazine in 2001 - 2002. The system is based on the use of digital filters and spectral estimation of discrete time series. A live chart of quote changes may have an arbitrary form. In mathematics, such functions are called non-analytic. The famous Fourier theorem implies that any function on a finite time interval can be ...
Table of Contents IntroductionChanges made since the release of previous versionOverview of the CPanel graphics librarySynchronizing the tick stream with the order bookCGraphic BasicsIntegration of CGraphic with the CPanel libraryInstallation. Performance in dynamics. Comparative characteristics of Market Depth featuresConclusion more...