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GBPJPY Price Action Analysis - Fibo resistance level at 161.62 to be broken for the rally to be continuing

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by , 05-23-2016 at 12:08 AM (1239 Views)
Daily price is located far below 200 period SMA and near below 100 period SMA for the primary bearish market condition with secondary rally. The price is testing Fibo resistance level at 161.62 to above for the rally to be continuing.

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If the price will break 155.65 support level so the primary bearish trend will be continuing without ranging.
If the price will break Fibo resistance level at 161.62 from below to above so the price will be reversed from the bear market rally to the secondary ranging within the primary bearish market condition.
If not so the price will be ranging within the levels.


  • W1 - ranging

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