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Two Balance Equity indicators

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by , 12-05-2017 at 12:06 PM (3469 Views)
Two Balance Equity indicators -


Equity Chart - indicator for MetaTrader 4

Name:  equity-chart.png
Views: 759
Size:  8.7 KB

Modernization of the popular Equity indicator. The author of the original version: Igor Korepin.
The necessity of the modernization is that the original indicator does not always work correctly with some instruments. For example, some brokers use the tickers with suffixes, prefixes. Also some CFD contracts and futures were considered incorrectly. This version uses a new function of contract value evaluation, which allows to work with any instrument. It retains the original concept and ideology of the indicator.
With the default settings the indicator displays two lines: the line of the balance sheet and the line of the equity. Additionally, it is possible to display the level of the used margin (as a histogram) and free equity (additional line) throughout the trading history, which allows to assess the aggressiveness of trade. The trading statistics (can be displayed in any corner of the chart): yields for month, year or the entire period of trading, the maximum drawdown (absolute and percentage), and also the calculation of the profit factor and the recovery factor.

LifeHack Balance Equity - indicator for MetaTrader 5

Name:  LifeHack_Balance_Equity_tester.png
Views: 638
Size:  43.3 KB

The indicator displays the balance and equity of the trade account.

This indicator is especially useful when used in the strategy tester.
To apply the indicator in the tester, it should be included in the tester template "tester.tpl". This how it is done:

  • open any chart
  • clear the chart of unnecessary indicators, objects and experts (preferably all)
  • drag the "LifeHack Balance Equity" indicator to the chart
  • then right click on the chart — "Templates" — "Save Template ..." — enter the name "tester.tpl".

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Tags: balance, equity, mt4, mt5 Add / Edit Tags
