SUSE Linux Enterprise 12, an enterprise-class Linux distribution powered by SUSE LINUX and created by Novell, has been officially released, both for the desktop and server markets. Most of the Linux community has heard about openSUSE, but that's just the open source side of the OS. The SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 is a distribution aimed at business, just like Red Hat. It's developed by Novell and it's been around for a very long time. ...
The openSUSE 13.2 launch will be ready this November and the developers are preparing to merge the Tumbleweed and the Factory rolling releases into one, under the name of Tumbleweed. The openSUSE developers have changed the release cycle and they now have more time from one version to another. This is the main reason why openSUSE 13.2 is set to arrive in November. Now, the two development branches for this distribution have been integrated ...
After months of focus on slack in U.S. labor markets, the Federal Reserve faces a new challenge: the possibility that weak inflation may be so firmly entrenched it upends the return to normal monetary policy. The soft global inflation backdrop, from sliding oil prices to stagnant wages in advanced economies, has triggered debate over whether the Fed and its peers merely need to wait for a slow-motion business cycle to improve, or face a ...
The developers of Ubuntu release new builds of one of the most popular GNU/Linux distributions every six months. And right on schedule the folks at Canonical have released Ubuntu 14.10 Utopic Unicorn. Among other things, Ubuntu 14.10 includes a newer version of the Linux kernel, improved support for high-resolution displays, and newer versions of Firefox, LibreOffice, and other popular software. The main branch of Ubuntu ...
Shanice - I Love Your Smile (1991)