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  1. Analyzing the iMac 5K Retina display: How do you squeeze 5K out of a last-gen GPU?

    by , 10-25-2014 at 05:47 AM

    Apple announced a new 27-inch iMac, and it packs a significant wallop on the display front. As we’ve already detailed, these new 5K displays are thinner, cheaper, draw less power thanks to a more-efficient LED backlight, and, perhaps most importantly, Apple is selling the whole 27-inch iMac system at a mind-blowing price of $2500. That’s the same price tag on Dell’s 5K monitor. ...
  2. Turn your PS4 into a laptop for $1100

    by , 10-23-2014 at 03:38 PM

    If you’re sick and tired of playing your PS4 in the living room, the solution is finally here. The man who brought you the Xbox One laptop has finally developed a very similar device designed for those of us who prefer gaming on the PS4. This so-called “PlayBook 4″ doesn’t come cheap, though. Converting your existing console into a laptop form factor will end up costing you around $1,100 ...
  3. The best SSDs of 2014: A buyers guide, and What’s changed (and what hasn’t)

    by , 10-23-2014 at 07:35 AM

    When I sat down to write this article, I thought it would be straightforward: “Write an SSD guide,” my editor said. “Make some recommendations!” he said. What could be simpler?

    It turns out, quite a bit — but the good thing about getting hip-deep into a product segment is that I get to wade back out and describe the thinking process that ought to go into choosing an SSD. This guide ...
  4. Ready for yet another Assassin’s Creed game? Too bad!

    by , 10-15-2014 at 01:04 PM

    Ready for yet another Assassin’s Creed game? Too bad! Ubisoft is releasing Assassin’s Creed Unity on the Xbox One and PS4 later this year, but it might not be the next-gen experience you’ve been hoping for. A Ubisoft representative caused an internet uproar earlier this week when he explained that the game is currently limited to 900p at 30 fps on both consoles. Sub-1080p game releases ...
  5. Xbox One is selling in China- it sold a very respectable 100,000 units

    by , 10-14-2014 at 11:15 AM

    After the end of a 14-year game console ban by the Chinese government, the Xbox One was finally introduced to that market in an official capacity late last month. On the first day of the console’s release, it sold a very respectable 100,000 units, and it’s anticipated that the Xbox One will continue to sell well over the next year. Will this early lead for Microsoft translate to domination in ...