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  1. Just Cause 3 delivers on crazy action, but the frame rate doesn’t cut it

    by , 12-11-2015 at 08:10 PM

    It’s been five long years since we last saw Rico Rodriguez get up to some explosive shenanigans in Just Cause 2. Finally, Rico has returned, and the fast-paced action we’ve come to expect from the series has never been better. Just Cause 3 delivers exactly what fans were looking for in terms of gameplay, but performance here is more than a little sketchy.

    Over on our sister site ...
  2. Microsoft lays off Israeli HoloLens team

    by , 12-10-2015 at 09:56 PM

    For the past six years, Microsoft has maintained a 60-person HoloLens development team in Israel. Now it’s shuttering the unit and shifting HoloLens development to the US. It’s not clear what this means for HoloLens, or whether Microsoft is moving on to related technologies it plans to bundle with the base AR headset — or if the company has something altogether different in mind for its still-developing ...
  3. GTA V Pinnacle mod includes amazing visual

    by , 12-10-2015 at 01:55 AM

    Many gamers with access to both consoles and a gaming PC like to wait for certain games to come to the PC before they take the plunge. It can take a while, as it did in the case of GTA V, but the mods can make the wait worth it. There’s a new mod for GTA V that validates that choice called The Pinnacle of GTA V World Enhancement Project. It’s a complete reskin of the game. The mission content is unchanged, ...
  4. AMD’s new Radeon Crimson software - Evolution of Catalyst

    by , 12-03-2015 at 09:23 PM

    When it comes to control panels and user interfaces, both AMD and Nvidia have taken an incremental approach to adding features or changing the basic UI. Today, Team Red is shaking that trend up, with a brand-new driver stack that offers an entirely different UI — and a host of other improvements as well. It’s a huge jump forward on multiple fronts for AMD and an encouraging sign to see the ...
  5. Star Wars Battlefront review

    by , 12-02-2015 at 03:18 PM

    Star Wars: Battlefront dropped earlier this week after months of anticipation, incredible previews, and what EA claims was the largest, most popular beta in the company’s history. While it’s technically the third Battlefront title, we haven’t seen a new release in the series for a decade, and relaunching the series with a new first chapter (EA has already announced it will make sequels) makes ...
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