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  1. How to build a forex trading strategy that works

    by , 03-18-2016 at 02:33 AM
    Name:  priceaction1.png
Views: 635
Size:  14.8 KB

    Are you new in forex? Or have you been trading for a while?

    No matter how long you have been trading, these resources on how to build a consistent and profitable trading strategy will be worthy.

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Views: 323
Size:  54.2 KB

    The most important advice is that the key is comfort. No matter what strategy you use, you have to be comfortable with the system you chose. It has to fit your personality or style in order ...
    Tags: forex, trading Add / Edit Tags
  2. Tradestation vs NinjaTrader: Which one is better

    by , 01-03-2016 at 07:12 PM
    Tradestation vs NinjaTrader: Which one is better

    Name:  Tradestation.png
Views: 282
Size:  131.6 KB

    • "Deciding whether NinjaTrader or Tradestation is better is similar to deciding which kid is your favorite. You just can’t do that! These two programs are the only trading platforms that all futures traders use."
    • "These two platforms are the only ones I have been using for my roughly 10 year day trading career. If you trade stocks or options then you have different possibilities including
  3. Nine Inch Nails To Release New Music In 2016

    by , 12-30-2015 at 09:12 PM
    Name:  NineInchNails.jpg
Views: 257
Size:  81.3 KB

    Nine Inch Nails fronter Trent Reznor has announced that the band will release new music in 2016. Reznor made the news public on Twitter, although he was skimpy with details. "New NIN coming in 2016. Other stuff, too," he wrote. NIN's latest album will be the follow-up to 2013's Hesitation Marks.

  4. Good morning - Andrei Belichenko & Maria Boohtiyarova painting

    by , 12-30-2015 at 06:56 PM
    Andrei Belichenko & Maria Boohtiyarova

    Name:  Andrei Belichenko & Maria Boohtiyarova.jpg
Views: 260
Size:  53.1 KB
  5. AFTER - Art Photos mixed

    by , 12-30-2015 at 04:42 PM
    Stanislav Hricko

    Name:  stanislav hricko.jpg
Views: 220
Size:  35.4 KB
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