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Ultra-high-frequency trading, financial institutions are turning to artificial intelligence to improve their stock trading performance

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by , 04-15-2016 at 10:00 PM (2609 Views)
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In the age of ultra-high-frequency trading, financial institutions are turning to artificial intelligence to improve their stock trading performance and boost profit.

One such company is Japan's leading brokerage house Nomura Securities. The company has been pursuing one goal: to simulate the insights of experienced stock traders with the help of computers. After years of research, Nomura is set to introduce a new stock trading system for institutional investors in May.

The new system stores vast amounts of price and trading data in its computer. By tapping into this reservoir of information, it will make assessments -- for example, it may determine that current market conditions are similar to a moment two weeks ago -- and predict how share prices will be trending a few minutes down the line.

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