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Tradestation vs NinjaTrader: Which one is better

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by , 01-03-2016 at 07:12 PM (1632 Views)
Tradestation vs NinjaTrader: Which one is better

Name:  Tradestation.png
Views: 282
Size:  131.6 KB

  • "Deciding whether NinjaTrader or Tradestation is better is similar to deciding which kid is your favorite. You just can’t do that! These two programs are the only trading platforms that all futures traders use."
  • "These two platforms are the only ones I have been using for my roughly 10 year day trading career. If you trade stocks or options then you have different possibilities including the programs that the big brokerages offer. Big brokerages are much too expensive in comparison to the brokers that are tailor made for the futures market. This is the reason why most futures day traders and professional day traders use one of these two platforms."
  • "Choosing between the two has gotten more hard over the years due to the fact that Ninja Trader is new to the charting realm of trading. NinjaTrader use to be known as just an execution platform but recently taken a significant dive into charting."

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