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Something Big is On the Move at Planet Capital - Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak Joins Planet Capital as Advisor and Director

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by , 05-11-2015 at 12:51 PM (1306 Views)
Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak Joins Planet Capital as Advisor and Director

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Planet Capital that holds the intellectual property rights for three patent pending proprietary methods for the execution of cash or cash equivalent transfers over open loop financial networks on electronic terminals utilizing a virtual account management system, has appointed Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak as an advisor and director.

The CTO of Planet Capital, Dan Sokol confirmed the appointment and said that it marks a decisive step in Wozniak’s affiliation with Blockchain infrastructure. He admitted that having an engineer as innovative as Woz around to look over our shoulders and make suggestions is priceless and going to help the company greatly.

The Los Angeles-based Planet Capital has emerged as a leading choice for its ATM kiosks that feature both advanced fiat-based operations as well as a two-way digital currency trading tool. The company aims to significantly corner and alter the self-service payments market and help out customers in remote areas have access to money.

Talking about the plans, CEO A. Lyle Elias said that with an ‘All-Star’ team focused on exploiting our patent pending IP and ‘Blockchain’ technology, Planet’s Next Gen ATM kiosks, unique network architecture and state-of-the-art wallet solution will make Planet Capital a major payments industry disrupter.

However, a lot of other observers feel that Wozniak’s presence among these ‘all-stars’ is conspicuous, and raises questions as to the relationship between the Blockchain and matters closer to Apple, such as Apple Pay, in the longer term. This definitely is an indication that the company is moving towards something big.

Something Big is On the Move at Planet Capital

For instance, a major rollout of ‘all-in-one’ money kiosks is palpable and the company’s board that includes Atari Co-Founder Steve Mayer, Clinton Administration FCC Chairman Reed Hundt, former CFO of the Carlyle Group, John Harris, and former IBM/Seagate Executive, Ken Hardesty, etc. are working on it.

Elaborating the point Chairman Lee Caplin stated that his brain trust consists of some of Silicon Valley’s heaviest hitters. The company says that in addition to traditional ATM functions, the machines feature the ability for customers to pay bills, vendors to enable point-of-sale transactions, perform mobile top-ups.

As Planet Capital is keen to expand and build relationships with people and businesses that are interested in this future world of financial interaction, the latest appointment of the extremely successful man from Apple is a right move towards the goal.


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