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  1. Good morning - Night Run to Friar's Point

    by , 02-24-2017 at 04:44 AM
    John Stobart (b.1929)
    Night Run to Friar's Point

    Name:  Night Run to Friar's Point.jpg
Views: 196
Size:  86.3 KB
    Tags: painting Add / Edit Tags
  2. It's about time: NYU launches US first time-based media conservation graduate course

    by , 02-18-2017 at 09:11 PM

    The Institute of Fine Arts (IFA) at New York University (NYU) is preparing to launch a four-year graduate course in time-based media conservation. The degree is the first of its kind in the US and reflects the growing need for specialists in the field as the ...
  3. Don't Think Your Bias Can Boss You Around? David Byrne Says Think Again

    by , 02-17-2017 at 06:06 PM

    A virtual reality installation allows visitors to experience a doll's perspective as she's poked and prodded by a lab assistant.
    Susana Bates for Drew Altizer Photography/Courtesy of the artist and Pace Gallery

    The musician and multimedia artist has co-created an immersive experience designed ...
    Tags: susana bates Add / Edit Tags
  4. Good Morning - A Garden in October

    by , 02-15-2017 at 06:31 AM
    Helen Allingham (1848-1926)
    A Garden in October, Aldworth 1891
    wc on paper

    Name:  33333.jpg
Views: 91
Size:  98.3 KB
    Tags: painting Add / Edit Tags
  5. Raise Your (He)art Rate With A Workout At The Met

    by , 02-10-2017 at 02:06 AM

    Monica Bill Barnes (left) and Anna Bass are offering literally breathtaking tours of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.

    Seeing a great work of art might quicken your pulse, but now New York City's Metropolitan Museum of Art is hoping you'll break a sweat, too. The Met is currently offering a "Museum Workout" — part ...
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