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  1. Good Morning - a sunny corner

    by , 04-14-2017 at 02:02 AM
    Allan Walton (1891-1948)
    A sunny corner

    Name:  A sunny corner.jpg
Views: 164
Size:  67.9 KB
    Tags: painting Add / Edit Tags
  2. Good Morning - An overcast day in the village

    by , 04-02-2017 at 12:08 PM
    Ole Ring (1902-1972)
    An overcast day in the village

    Name:  An overcast day in the village.jpg
Views: 327
Size:  101.0 KB
    Tags: ole ring Add / Edit Tags
  3. Kerry James Marshall: A Black Presence In The Art World

    by , 03-29-2017 at 10:11 PM

    For decades, the 61-year-old artist has depicted black lives on canvas. He says inclusion in museums must not be contingent on "whether somebody likes you ... or somebody's being generous to you."

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  4. A man entered the National Gallery in London on Saturday afternoon..

    by , 03-22-2017 at 01:11 PM

    Thomas Gainsborough's 1785 painting Mr and Mrs William Hallett (The Morning Walk) was attacked at The National Gallery in London on Saturday.

    A man entered the National Gallery in London on Saturday afternoon, approached a painting by British master Thomas Gainsborough, and proceeded to attack it with a "sharp ...
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  5. A Green Beret Sits For A Portrait By His Former Commander In Chief

    by , 03-06-2017 at 03:52 PM

    Michael Rodriguez is one of more than 60 American service members who sat for a portrait by President George W. Bush. They are pictured together at Bush's 70th birthday bike ride at Prairie Chapel Ranch in Crawford, Texas.

    Michael Rodriguez is both a military man and a muse. Years after President George W. Bush ...
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