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  1. Good morning - L'Adoration des bergers 1650

    by , 01-02-2016 at 11:27 AM
    Jusepe de Ribera (1591-1652)
    L'Adoration des bergers 1650

    Name:  ch159_n.jpg
Views: 230
Size:  62.1 KB
  2. The South Pole, 1911

    by , 01-01-2016 at 05:26 PM
    Photo taken by Captain Robert Falcon Scott during the expedition to the South Pole, 1911.

    Name:  South Pole.jpg
Views: 154
Size:  52.0 KB
    Tags: south pole Add / Edit Tags
  3. Decoration of the Christmas Tree

    by , 01-01-2016 at 02:17 PM
    Lee Stroncek
    Decoration of the Christmas Tree

    Name:  christ2.jpg
Views: 202
Size:  83.4 KB
  4. Watercolor Sunset

    by , 12-27-2015 at 10:25 PM
    Watercolor Sunset

    Name:  1115.jpg
Views: 240
Size:  96.9 KB

    Name:  1112.jpg
Views: 317
Size:  90.7 KB

    Name:  1113.jpg
Views: 185
Size:  80.6 KB

    Name:  1114.jpeg
Views: 180
Size:  35.8 KB
  5. With Powerful Murals, Hale Woodruff Paved The Way For African-American Artists - he founded what was known as the Exhibition for African American artists

    by , 12-27-2015 at 01:12 AM

    Artist Hale Aspacio Woodruff was commissioned to paint the Amistad Murals in 1938.

    Most Americans know little about the painter Hale Woodruff, but he had a profound influence on 20th century American art. Like many black artists in the 1920s, Woodruff left the country for Paris. He later studied in Mexico with Diego Rivera.
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