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  1. painting as the last time in the life

    by , 08-07-2017 at 11:41 AM
    painting ...

    Name:  painting1.jpg
Views: 140
Size:  52.2 KB
    Tags: painting Add / Edit Tags
  2. Met Museum Turns Over Ancient Vase Suspected Looted From Italy

    by , 08-06-2017 at 02:17 PM

    The ancient mixing bowl now in the possession of Manhattan's District Attorney.

    The Metropolitan Museum of Art delivered an ancient vase by courier to Manhattan's district attorney last week. The DA had issued a warrant for the Greco-Roman vessel on July 24, citing "reasonable cause to believe" the museum was in possession of stolen ...
  3. Good Morning - August

    by , 08-04-2017 at 04:54 PM
    Franz Melchers (1868-1944)

    Name:  August.jpg
Views: 153
Size:  96.9 KB
    Tags: painting Add / Edit Tags
  4. Buna River Spring, Bosnia And Herzegovina

    by , 08-04-2017 at 03:33 PM
    Buna River Spring, Bosnia And Herzegovina | Photography by Talha Samil Cakir

    Name:  Buna River Spring, Bosnia And Herzegovina.jpg
Views: 120
Size:  104.3 KB
    Tags: bosnia, photo Add / Edit Tags
  5. Kamakura & Yokohama

    by , 07-20-2017 at 12:15 PM
    For a relaxing contrast to Tokyo, head south to Kamakura & Yokohama

    Name:  t1.jpg
Views: 120
Size:  103.3 KB

    Name:  t2.jpg
Views: 134
Size:  104.7 KB

    Name:  t3.jpg
Views: 138
Size:  99.6 KB
    Tags: japan, tokyo, travel Add / Edit Tags
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