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Fifty years after his LOVE painting made Robert Indiana a sensation, the artist has died at the age of 89. Indiana's two-row rendering of the word, with its tilted "O," became one of the most recognizable works of modern art in the world. The famous design emerged from deep influences in Indiana's life, from his early exposure to religion to his father's career. Indiana died Saturday at his home in Vinalhaven, Maine. His ...
Starry Night by Carl Pan Nice night sky with amazing milky way in the middle of nowhere in Alberta. Carl Pan: Photos more...
From left: Aladdin Sane, Thin White Duke, Ziggy Stardust, Major Tom, The Man Who Fell to Earth, and Halloween Jack are Bowie-inspired cocktails made by BKW by Brooklyn Winery. Matthew Yokobosky finds food inspirational - which is perhaps not entirely surprising, considering that as an art curator, it's his job to make connections between ...
American artist Claudia Lucia McKinney is an Digital artist specializing in book covers for best selling authors. "I've done over 300 covers to date - some of the authors I've done work for you may know -Kami Garcia, Samantha Young, Amanda Hocking, JL Bryan, Maria Rachel Hooley, Aaron Patterson and many more.... I've worked with Publishing Houses such as Random House, Simon & Schuster, Llewellyn, Flux, and others..."
The Wailing Wall, Jerusalem Gustav Bauernfeind (1848-1904)