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Artist Robert Indiana Dies At 89

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by , 05-26-2018 at 04:29 PM (1139 Views)
Fifty years after his LOVE painting made Robert Indiana a sensation, the artist has died at the age of 89.

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Indiana's two-row rendering of the word, with its tilted "O," became one of the most recognizable works of modern art in the world. The famous design emerged from deep influences in Indiana's life, from his early exposure to religion to his father's career.

Indiana died Saturday at his home in Vinalhaven, Maine. His death came a day after a controversy emerged over control of his work, with a federal lawsuit alleging that Indiana had been isolated from his loved ones, and that his art had been exploited for profit. The case involves an art publisher and a caretaker who had been granted power of attorney, as The New York Times reports.


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