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950 websites broadcast the Economic Calendar from MetaQuotes

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by , 10-04-2018 at 12:05 AM (584 Views)
950 websites broadcast the Economic Calendar from MetaQuotes

Almost a thousand web resources around the world feature the Economic Calendar widget. Among them are brokerage websites, popular financial media, analytical portals and trader blogs. The service allows sorting of macroeconomic events by their importance, country and time interval, while being legally burden-free — you do not have to worry about licensing risks.
Name:  gbpusd-m15-metaquotes-software-corp.png
Views: 100
Size:  74.5 KB

The MetaQuotes offer is valid for owners and webmasters of any resource. To add the Calendar, just click the "Add to website" button on the service web page. After specifying a width/height and a display period, the code is generated for you. Copy and paste it into a relevant web page of your preference. Now your visitors can have a ready-made tool for monitoring financial news.

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