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  1. Understanding MQL5 Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

    by , 07-04-2023 at 06:59 AM
    Name:  Inheritance111.png
Views: 23
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    In this article, we will share one of the most important topics in programming which lead to coding smoothly and easily, and help us to apply the concept of (DRY) which is the shortcut of (Do Not Repeat Yourself) as developers or programmers. In addition to raising the security of any created software, and other of features. We will talk about Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) and how we can use this concept and code it in MQL5 (MetaQuotes Language) by
  2. Diablo 4 Final Beta Test Starts Today. Here's How to Join

    by , 07-04-2023 at 02:01 AM

    Diablo 4, the latest installment of the popular dungeon crawler, comes out on June 6, but players can try out some of the game in an open beta happening on Friday.
