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  1. Google Is Bringing Heat Alerts to Search

    by , 04-07-2023 at 02:53 AM
    Google announced that it will launch new Search alerts for extreme hot weather. The feature will be rolled out during the coming months and will provide information on heat waves and suggestions for keeping safe. Higher temperatures are expected with spring and summer months ahead, and severe heat conditions can contribute to heatstroke, death and wildfires.

  2. Creating an EA that works automatically (Part 07): Account types (II)

    by , 04-06-2023 at 02:49 AM
    In the previous article Creating an EA that works automatically (Part 06): Account types (I), we started developing a way to ensure that the automated EA works correctly and within its intended purpose. In that article, we created the C_Manager class, which acts as an administrator, so that in case of strange or incorrect EA behavior the EA will be removed from the chart.
  3. Google Drive Has a 5 Million Item Cap, Even if You Have Storage Space Left

    by , 04-05-2023 at 02:28 AM

    Google Drive now limits users to 5 million items. A Google Workspace spokesperson confirmed the change in an email Monday evening.

  4. Generative AI Could Impact 300M Jobs, Goldman Sachs Predicts

    by , 04-04-2023 at 02:14 AM

    Recent advances in artificial intelligence may have some people worrying about job security -- and with good reason. A report by Goldman Sachs predicts that as many as 300 million jobs could be affected by generative AI.

  5. Data Science and Machine Learning(Part 14): Finding Your Way in the Markets with Kohonen Maps

    by , 04-03-2023 at 04:09 AM
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    Kohonen Maps or Self-Organizing maps(SOM) or Self-Organizing Feature Map(SOFM). Is an unsupervised machine learning technique used to produce a low-dimensional(typically tow-dimensional) representation of a higher dimensional data set while preserving the topological structure of the data.
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