I think you know that the well-known Hull Moving Average (HMA) is the Kalman Filter based on the Linear Weighted Moving Average(LWMA). But we can try to use another MAs from our collection instead of the LWMA. Also we can use Damping Factor to avoid overshoots that are characteristic for such kind of filters.
Code:extern int TimeFrame = 0; extern int Price = 0; extern int Length = 14; extern double DampingFactor = 1; //0...1.0(ex.0.7) extern int Shift = 0; extern int MA_Method = 3; extern int ColorMode = 1; extern int SoundMode = 0; //0-off,1-on(works only with ColorMode=1) extern int SoundShift = 0; //0-open bar(multiple),1-closed bar(once) extern string BuySound = "alert.wav"; extern string SellSound = "alert2.wav";
Attachment 2101