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ManualTrader EA

This is a discussion on ManualTrader EA within the Trading tools forums, part of the Trading Forum category; Hi, I think this EA could be useful for the manual traders. There are a lot of options: Stoploss/Takeprofit placement ...

  1. #1

    ManualTrader EA


    I think this EA could be useful for the manual traders. There are a lot of options:

    • Stoploss/Takeprofit placement
    • Stepped Trailing stop
    • Breakeven with pips lock in
    • Partial Close by Target and Percent
    • ability to backtest your settings

      extern string     Expert_Name          = "ManualTrader_v1.0.1";
      extern int        Magic                =     0;    // Magic Number
      extern int        Slippage             =     3;
      extern double     StopLoss             =    50;    // StopLoss in pips 
      extern double     TakeProfit           =   100;    // TakeProfit in pips 
      extern double     TrailStop            =    15;    // Trailing Stop in pips
      extern double     TrailStopStep        =    15;    // Trailing Stop Step in pips
      extern double     PartCloseTgt         =    50;    // Partial Close Target in pips
      extern double     PartClosePct         =  50.0;    // Partial Close Position Percent
      extern double     BreakEven            =    50;    // Breakeven in pips  
      extern double     PipsLockIn           =     5;    // Profit Lock in pips if Breakeven is achieved 
      extern int        DebugMode            =     1;    // Switch of Debug mode (0-off;1-on) 
      extern int        CommentMode          =     1;    // 0-Comment off,1-on 
      extern int        ECN_Mode             =     1;    // 0-off,1-on(will modify Stoploss and TakeProfit) 
      extern int        DrawTarget           =     1;    // 0-off,1-on
      extern string     forTest              = "Parameters for Testing:";
      extern double     Lots                 =     1;    // Trade Volume 
      extern int        MA_period            =     5;    // MA period
      extern int        MA_mode              =     0;    // MA mode
    Attachment 1383

    Nodp53, dadik, Gus4x and 3 others like this.

  2. #2
    Administrator newdigital's Avatar
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    Yes, it's working great. Thanks a lot.

    ManualTrader EA-gbpusd-m1-alpari-limited-manualtrader-ea.png

  3. #3

    Updated ManualTrader_v1.2


    Please check out the updated ManualTrader_v1.2 with ability to set StopLosses by the Risk Factor.

    //---- input parameters
    extern string     Expert_Name          = "ManualTrader_v1.2";
    extern int        Magic                =     0;    // Magic Number
    extern int        Slippage             =     3;
    extern double     RiskFactor           =     5;    // Risk Factor(in %) for StopLoss calculation  
    extern double     StopLoss             =    0;    // StopLoss in pips 
    extern double     TakeProfit           =   100;    // TakeProfit in pips 
    extern double     TrailStop            =    15;    // Trailing Stop in pips
    extern double     TrailStopStep        =    15;    // Trailing Stop Step in pips
    extern double     PartCloseTgt         =    50;    // Partial Close Target in pips
    extern double     PartClosePct         =  50.0;    // Partial Close Position Percent
    extern double     BreakEven            =    50;    // Breakeven in pips  
    extern double     PipsLockIn           =     5;    // Profit Lock in pips if Breakeven is achieved 
    extern int        DebugMode            =     1;    // Switch of Debug mode (0-off;1-on) 
    extern int        CommentMode          =     1;    // 0-Comment off,1-on 
    extern int        ECN_Mode             =     1;    // 0-off,1-on(will modify Stoploss and TakeProfit) 
    extern int        DrawTarget           =     1;    // 0-off,1-on
    extern string     forTest              = "Parameters for Testing:";
    extern double     Lots                 =     1;    // Trade Volume 
    extern int        MA_period            =     5;    // MA period
    extern int        MA_mode              =     0;    // MA mode

    Attachment 1546

    Alex-162, Pip and mntiwana like this.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Igorad yours indicators are the best, about this tool it has some bugs. the trailing stop is not working at all,
    the DrawTarget=0 and the ea forget the stop loss
    BreakEven = wasn'nt able to test it.. are you sure is working? can be used in the tester?

    can you please review the entire EA

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Dave View Post
    Igorad yours indicators are the best, about this tool it has some bugs. the trailing stop is not working at all,
    the DrawTarget=0 and the ea forget the stop loss
    BreakEven = wasn'nt able to test it.. are you sure is working? can be used in the tester?

    can you please review the entire EA
    Hi Dave,

    This is strange because the EA works for many years. Please take a look at the attached screenshots during visual testing.

    Attachment 1657

    Attachment 1656

    What settings you use?


  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2013
    default settings, i tried everything, but no luck, mainly the matter is the trailing stop. I'm using alpari uk (spread betting)

    here my screenshot, same period of yours

    ManualTrader EA-eurusdm15.jpg

    any idea?

  7. #7
    Administrator newdigital's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave View Post
    default settings, i tried everything, but no luck, mainly the matter is the trailing stop. I'm using alpari uk (spread betting)

    here my screenshot, same period of yours

    any idea?
    Hi Dave, I am sorry - may be - you confused between pips and points? because the figures in this EA's input are in pips (4 digit points)

  8. #8
    Please try to test with the attached settings(.set file) from 2013.06.01 till now.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    vitoingletto likes this.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2013
    done another test with your .set .. no stop loss right?

    I know the difference between pips and point.. and i'm using pips (on a 5 digit point... ) 10 pips on 4 digit or 10 pips of 5 digits are the same hopfully...

    here the results

    ManualTrader EA-eurusdm15.jpg

  10. #10
    Administrator newdigital's Avatar
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    Hi Dave,

    I did visual backtest and the traders are modified ... you can see here:

    ManualTrader EA-eurusd-m5-alpari-limited-visual-backtest-1.png

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