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Universal ZigZag Semaphore

This is a discussion on Universal ZigZag Semaphore within the Trading tools forums, part of the Trading Forum category; Originally Posted by wccmcd Igorad, I got this error message when compiling this indicator on MT4 build670: Hi wccmcd, Please ...

  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by wccmcd View Post

    I got this error message when compiling this indicator on MT4 build670:
    Hi wccmcd,

    Please check out the updated UniZigZagSimaphore indicator for the new MT4.

    Attachment 9164

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  2. #12
    Administrator newdigital's Avatar
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    Just for information:

    - Universal UniZigZagChannel_v1.6 indicator is on this post.
    - UniZigZagChannel_midline 600+ indicator is on this post. This indicator was improved by cja for mid level added. This version works with Metatrader 4 build 600 and above.
    - UniZigZagChannel_v1.8 600+ indicator is on this post. This version works with Metatrader 4 build 600 and above.
    - Universal ZigZag Semaphore v4 indicator is on this post.
    - UniZigZagSemaphore_v4 600+ indicator is on this post and this post (the latest one). This version works with Metatrader 4 build 600 and above.
    - 3_Level_ZZ_Semafor_v2 600+ indicator is on this post. This version works with Metatrader 4 build 600 and above.
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  3. #13
    Administrator newdigital's Avatar
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    Just some other indicator related to the thread found in Codebase: 3_Level_Semafor_V2 - indicator for MetaTrader 4

    and more: Professional ZigZag - indicator for MetaTrader 5
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  4. #14
    Administrator newdigital's Avatar
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    UniZigZagTrader EA

    Premium section EA -

    UniZigZagTrader_v1.1 600+ EA is on this post. This is the the updated UniZigZagTrader EA using the updated UniZigZag indicator.
    UniZigZagTrader_v1.2 600+ EA is on this post. This is the fixed v1.1 version of the EA (same but fixed).

    Universal ZigZag Semaphore-unizigzagtrader_555.png

    Testing results with the default settings(RiskFactor=0.05) -

    Universal ZigZag Semaphore-unizigzagtrader_666.png
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  5. #15
    Senior Member
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    Hi ND/Igor,

    Seems compilation issue for this. Can you please help?


  6. #16
    Senior Member
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    Hi ND,

    Small favor i need, I understood this article, but whenever you get time can you please show this on chart where to enter/SL/TP? You can explain on anyy symbol.


    Quote Originally Posted by newdigital View Post
    And this is about how to use those kinds of indicators - written by Acekay


    I figured out 2 consistently porofitable ways to trade with semafores. In my opinion, the first method can be built into an EA, the second method - the one I use daily - is more profitable and far more complex and uses other indis as confirmation which I won't go into here. First method, which is rather simple - and simply logical - yields about 70 - 80% success rate.

    Method 1 trading with semafores:

    Here's what you do: Wait for a 3 semafore to print (doesn't matter if it's the highest high or lowest low of the trend). Any 3 semafore will do (any TF, although I prefer 5M TF - any currency pair, although I only trade EURUSD).
    Now wait for a level one semafore to form (after the 3 semafore) in both up trend and down trend.
    Once you have two level one semafores printed, you are ready to enter the trade when the first level 2 semafore exceeds the low or high of a level 1 semafore. Wait for level 2 semafore to surpass the level 1 semafore by at least 3 pips before entering the trade.
    Example: in a down trend, level 2 will overtake level one semafore, and usually swing back up once more before reversing down again and keep going until it becomes a level 3 semafore, denoting that it's found a new lower level than the level 2 semafore (the opposite occurs for an up trend)
    You can either exit the trade once a level 3 semafore prints, or you can install the ADX indi and watch it to see how strong the trend is and follow it for as long as you can. In a strong trend the 3 can reprint 3-4 times as it registers new highs/lows - even 6 or 7 times.
    Once you have taken profit, you wait for the next 3 semafore to print and start the process all over again.

    The logic behind this method is simple:

    Level 1 semafore is the first new high/low registered after a 3 prints - this is a small movement.
    WHat happens after level 1? A level 2 prints - which means a new high/low is registered. This is a larger movement of price.
    Level 3 prints - this is the largest movement so far which means it is higher than the level 1 semafore so it has to be profitable.
    If the level 2 semafore continues and becomes a level 3, all good and well, you are already in profit because you enter the trade the moment the level 2 semafore passes level 1 semafore by 3 pips.

    The ONLY time when this system fails is on the rare occasion when the level 2 semafores surpasses the level 1 semafores on BOTH sides of the trend - up and down. Then you will be stopped out, or you can close the trade manually for a VERY small loss of a few pips.

    Other deviations: In a strong trend a level 1 will turn into a level 2 and then a 3 in one movement, so you will always miss out on the big, sudden breakouts after a no 3 semafore has printed, but most of the trends are orderly affairs: 3 prints, then 1 9on both sides), then 2, then 3 again.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Universal ZigZag Semaphore-zz.jpg  

  7. #17
    Administrator newdigital's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jagadish123 View Post
    Hi ND,

    Small favor i need, I understood this article, but whenever you get time can you please show this on chart where to enter/SL/TP? You can explain on anyy symbol.

    I did not use those kind of indicators for the long time ...
    Yes, I will try get more practical details about those indicators (when/if I will have time sorry).
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